𝟎𝟏. ⠀new girl in town.

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01. new girl in town
real life!

 new girl in town real life!

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chapter one

┊✧* ✯┊☪︎⋆✧*

EMILY'S BLUE ORBS GAZE at the male sat on her bed, the male's fingers slowly scrolling through whatever he was doing,

"you heard about the new girl in town?" marcus' voice grabs emily from her day dream and she frowns her brows slightly, "no, i haven't..." the platinum blonde says with a small shrug, "maybe we'll see her on monday," she adds on with a small smile, the brunette male hums in response,

"possibly," he says as he slowly lifts himself off the bed, emily's eyes following his movements,

"want to go for a smoke?" he smirks slightly at the female as he reaches out for her hand, a chuckle slips past her lips and she takes ahold of his hand, lifting herself off her bed, "why not," she chuckles softly as marcus pulls her in by the waist, the female's back leaning against his chest,

her eyes gaze at the white covers on her bed, the female feeling her face heat up as his fingers slightly dug into the skin of her waist through her shirt as the male texted someone on his phone,

"let's go then," he says with a smirk, turning the girl around and allowing her to exit the room, after she grabbed a jacket off her desk chair, the female slipped it on as she walked down the stairs,

sporting some bagging jeans, a long sleeve shirt and one of marcus' jackets, which she didn't realise was his until she was slipping on her shoes,

"where are you kids heading off to?" a female voice causes emily to look up, a small smile appearing on her lips "hey mum, we're just going to go for a walk, we're really bored," the platinum blonde female says as marcus helps her up from the ground after she tied her laces,

emily lived a normal life, with two parents and her sister away in another city for college, which she didn't mind so much, she just often found herself missing her older sister.

"alright, is marcus staying over for dinner?" the brunette female asks with a soft smile towards the brunette male, she was quite fond of him, despite what the two teenagers sometimes got up to. "if i'm welcome then of course, i very much enjoy your cooking mrs williams," marcus answers politely. "you're always welcome marcus, don't be silly,"

emily and marcus have been best friends since they were little kids and both of their families were close and saw each other quite often, and always tried to have dinner together as families on the weekends, despite living only a couple of houses from each other.

marcus smiles politely at emily's mother before he grabbed his skateboard, "thank you mrs williams, i'll make sure to be back then," the brunette male smiles before he opened the door of the house, letting the slight summer air flow in,

emily smiles at her mother before the older female walked off, the platinum blonde female grabbing her phone and following marcus out of the house.

"do you know how old the new girl is?" emily questions the male as they walk down the path towards the park, that was around 15 minutes away from the female's house.

"i believe around our age. should be in our year, maybe your english," he says with a slight smile, "let's hope she's nice then," emily smiles slightly in response, as she shoves her hands in her pocket, feeling a small plastic bag, "oh crap, i think this is your jacket," the platinum blonde chuckles slightly as she realises,

"i'll smell like weed now," she displays a fake frown on her lips, the female sending her a fake offended expression, "are you saying i smell bad," he chuckles as he wraps his arms around her waist, the female starts to chuckle as she realises the male is trying to tickle her, the female laughs loudly as he slips his hands underneath her shirt and tickles at her skin,

"pfttt lovebirds?-" a female voice causes emily's eyes to widen and she places her hands on marcus' shoulders, pushing him away slightly, her eyebrows frown as she sees a unfamiliar face,

"huh?-" marcus turns his head and raises an eyebrow at the women that didn't look a year out of her 20's, "what?" he questions the female, taking his hands off emily's waist,

"i heard that you have some weed," the blonde haired says, her words slightly slurred, "i really can't sleep and it would really help if you just gave me some, or i'll tell your mum," the blonde haired threatened with a wide smile, causing emily to chuckle slightly, the platinum blonde realising the female was drunk,

"uh- okay- here," marcus stuttered slightly as he grabbed the small plastic bag out of the pocket of the jacket emily was wearing, the blonde female grabs it with an excited grin, "thank you kid,"

the female running down the path already, "it's marcus!" the male yells after her, "don't do drugs marcus! and your girlfriend is pretty!" the blonde haired disappears into the house right across marcus', causing emily's eyes to widen

"is that your new neighbour?" she chuckles loudly into her hand, marcus standing dumbfounded besides her, "i just gave her all of my weed-" he says in disbelief, a chuckle slipping past emily's lips once again,

"well i guess, the swings at the park will have to do," she says with a small chuckle, starting to walk towards the park once again.


𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍, marcus baker Where stories live. Discover now