𝟎𝟑. ⠀emily and marcus.

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03. emily and marcus
real life!

 emily and marcus real life!

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chapter three

┊✧* ✯┊☪︎⋆✧*

emily williams and marcus baker - two people who barely spent time apart, always attached at the hip from the sandpit days, when they were introduced to each other in kindergarten -

"you and emily are close," ginny speaks up to marcus, who glances over at the girl and hums, he once again found himself in her room while emily wasn't available.

"yeah we are," he says with a soft smile, fiddling around with the sleeve of his jacket as he sat on gunny's bed - "are you dating?" the teenager asks marcus as she laid on her own bed,

a small chuckle slips past the brunette's lips as he shakes his head, "no, no we aren't dating," the words stung, they hurt for some reason marcus always made the choice to ignore just because it was easier that way, he wondered if emily also felt that pain when people asked if they were dating.

"that's good," ginny says with a soft smile, marcus glancing at her expression and his eyebrows frown as he nods - "i think i should be going, my mum's probably gonna notice i've passed my curfew soon," the male speaks up as he gets up off ginny's bed -

"ah, yeah, are you going to come over again?" ginny asks quietly as she sits up, marcus tempted to not reply cause he wasn't sure - he only went to see ginny when emily was busy and couldn't see him, "we'll see," he says with a tight lipped smile before he climbed out of her bedroom window once again - landing on the ground with a small groan.

"marcus?" a familiar voice speaks to the male and his eyes widen slightly as he glances up from the floor and spots emily near his house, her mouth open and her eyebrows frowning -

"what are you doing here?-" marcus questions the female, who shoved her hands into her jacket pockets, "i could ask you the same question," she says as she bites the inside of her cheek - "what are you doing climbing out of ginny's window?" emily questions, her eyebrow raised as marcus rubs the back of his neck -

"i...needed some help with maths homework! and you were busy so i asked ginny and yeah," he says with a small chuckle, emily's eyebrows raising in surprise as she listens to the male's excuse, "ah, i see," she mutters out, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear - "we could've face timed, i was just doing our maths homework," she says with a tight lipped smile,

the brunette male approaches the female, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "i never knew! you could've let me know!" he says as he leads her down the path - emily playfully rolling her eyes as his words, "you never told me you needed help with homework, you just said you wanted to hang out," she says, leaning into his side -

"how abouttt we go and smoke some weed in the park?" marcus asks with a small smirk as the platinum blonde glances up at him, sighing softly before she hums in response - marcus cheering quietly "wooo!!" he says, causing emily to chuckle softly as the male leads them to the usual park they hung out in.

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a/n : might have to rewatch season 1 for this cause i've forgotten everything that happens😃

𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍, marcus baker Where stories live. Discover now