Chapter 1.

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"Lux, don't yell, and we still have a month left here."

"I don't give a shit Mom!"


"Sucks mom. I'm going to."

"It is not my fault your father gets a high paying job, and then gets transferred."

"He is not my father. My father is in jail for something he didn't do."

"You were too young to understand what was happening. You were only 3."

"He was framed for trying to kill someone. The evidence pointed to someone else, but dad had already committed a small crime before and was a butcher so they said it was him. Mom, if you loved him you would have not divorced him. He will be in jail for the rest of his life!"

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do!"

"You are only 16, you don't understand!"

"I apparently know more than you!"

"Whatever, I know more then you in the real world anyway."

"Yha, like how to get pregnant from someone you have only known for a week?"

"That was one time, and you love Ashlee."

"Sure, and that isn't even the stupidest thing you have done! You married Walter last year, who hates me!"

"He doesn't hate you!"

"Yes mom, he does," There was a long pause, “Whatever, like I care anymore."

I run to my room. That is my mom and I am third fight this week. I am getting so sick of the fighting. I go into my room, it is so small with my bed and my table, and I do not even have much room to walk. I look into my mirror, which hangs right above my bed, and see myself, only I do not look myself. I am very skinny, but in the mirror, I look fat. I have not eaten at all in almost 2 days, and I have gone longer, much longer, without eating. I see my dyed black hair, with the bright blue streak in the front; you can still see the roots of my blond hair, the last of my innocents. My blue eyes; outlined in dark black eyeliner and dark make-up. My mom wants me to re-invent myself before we move, and by that, she means, go back to my girly, preppy self, which I do not want to do.

In my mind, I have a thousand thoughts running through it. I think of moving to Tucson and leaving Sean. I love Sean; I wish I could move in with him. If I really wanted to I might be able to, but it is unlikely. I have to live with my mom and step-dad, Walter, sadly. I do not know whether to break up with Sean, or not. I love him, but with the move, I do not know, and he has been acting weird lately. I just do not know why. I might just break up with him. I still have one month to decade.

Walter calls me down for dinner. When I walk through the very short hallway, the table has food all over it. Ribs, potatoes, hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken. Sadly, I am a vegetarian and do not like potatoes, so no dinner for me, again. I am not to be leaving the table until everyone is done. Then I have to do the dishes. Our dishwasher is broken and Ashlee is too young to do them, or at least my mom thinks that. When I was four I did dishes, and she is five now. My mom believes everything that comes out of that little brat’s mouth, even if it is about her, they are both so stupid.

After I finished washing the dishes my mom told me to start packing, and threw ten brown boxes into my room. “I want all of these boxes filled by morning," my mom commanded. I start packing right away, but I am very curious why we have to pack now, I mean we have a month. I take my sharpie and label the boxes, summer clothes, winter clothes, spring/fall clothes, jackets, purses, shoes, under clothes, books, make-up and skin care, and other. Luckily, I just washed all of my clothes and so, it might be easier to pack. I start putting my summer clothes away; I will not need them until I get to Arizona anyway. I do not have many summer clothes; here in Seattle it rains so much I probably have more jackets and coats more than anything. I stay up until three in the morning packing and I have to walk on top of the boxes to get to my bed, my room is stuffed, but I am done.

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