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<Danz P.O.V>

I fell face first onto the couch I had stopped recording ten minutes early. It was a nice change, the quiet I mean from having five boys running around me while pulling at me. I looked at my phone rubbing my eyes seeing Bek had texted back she said she was willing to watch the boys tonight.

'God bless you' I sent her back she baby sits the boys sometimes this was the one baby sitter the boys did not chase away I think it was Eddie who kept her here. He talked about her like she was a god. I checked the clock and sighed knowing I had to go pick up the boys.

*At the school*

I strapped Spencer into his car seat while Eddie picked a song to play on his phone over the speakers. Seamus sat there in the back seat giggling with Nick both of them looking at Seamus' phone.

"What are you two laughing at?" I looked at them getting in the front seat.

"N-nothing" Seamus stuttered blushing extremely red while Nick just rolled his eyes.

"They are laughing at James' text" Dex laughing causing Seamus' eyes to go wide as he kicked the back of Dex's seat.

"Oh and who is James?" I asked pulling away from the school.

"The guy that Seam-" Seamus clamped his hand over Nicks mouth even though I knew what he was going to say.

"The guy that..." I smirked in the rearview mirror.

"Just a guy he is just a friend" Seamus said going fire truck red.

"Is this James as in James Mathewson, James?" Eddie asked looking up from his phone and smirked.

"ya it is" Seamus smiled proudly.

"Who is this James?" I asked again hoping for some kind information from Spencer who looked at me in the mirror.

"Seamoose is in love with James he tells me all about him" Spencer said smiling like he had not just spilled a huge secret. Everyone burst into laughter while Seamus' jaw dropped and his face got so red I was surprised he had not caught fire yet. Seamus put his face in his hands cause he couldn't be mad a Spencer he was still a little kid and didn't understand the whole secret thing.

"What does Seamoose tell you about James spenc?" I asked.

"You don't need to know dad" Seamus quickly yelled.

"Oh James is so cute" Sly giggled.

"James is so funny" Nick said making a kissy face.

"Did you see how James looked at me today? Do you think he likes me too?" Dex cooed.

"James is so pretty, James is so cute, I love James" Spencer joined in not knowing what was really going on.

"Wow Seamus you got it bad for this James don't you?" I chuckled as Seamus struggled to get out of his seat as Nick held him down so he could not jump out at the stop sign.

*At home*

''Can we please stop talking about James?" Seamus groaned from the back seat as we pulled in the garage.

"Seamus all you're going to talk about when we get to our room is James so just talk about him in front of everyone" Nick joked elbowing Seamus in the side.

''I don't want to talk about it in front of everyone cause, I don't want dad to know that he has a six pack he let me feel it when we were in the locker room" right after he said that every one fell flat on there ass laughing as Seamus realized what he had said and ran for his and Nick's room. After we were done laughing I turned to Nick.

"I want you to go and find out whether or not that James boy kissed our Seamus. Ok?" Nick nodded and ran up stairs as I went and set Spencer up with my P.S.P. I need a nap but I am getting out tonight so that is my nap.

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