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<Dan'z P.O.V>

"This has to come to a stop," Jordan groaned rubbing the back of my neck while I came up behind him.

"I know, I know, I don't really know why the boys are doing this to each other but it has gotten ridiculous" I laughed looking at the pictures of a pouting James with dicks drawn on his face. I came up behind him softly rubbing his shoulders in circles. He moaned and melted into my touch as I had him sit in the chair. "Don't worry we'll figure something out" I smiled kissing his neck softly. I rubbed his shoulders for a few more minutes trying to come up with a solution when Jordan shot straight up.

"I GOT IT!" he shouted turning and crushing me against his chest.

"W-what?" I asked clutching a hand over my heart.

"We prank them back" Jordan cheered happily pumping his fist in the air. I gave a nod showing him to continue on with his plan.

*Next day*

Jordan and I had made our way around the boy's room last night continuing to do our master plan. There was toilet paper stuffed in the toes of there shoes, put red food color tablets in the head of all there faucets and shower head, also pulling cling film over the cap of there shower bottles so nothing would come out, taped pull poppers to the outside of their door so when they would open it the popper would go off and of course we bought a few things reconcile with them once the day was over. Our alarm went off and we waited the boys had an alarm go off about ten minutes after ours so we listened.

A beeping was apparent through the wall and a smirk was apparent on Jordan's face. We waited a few minutes before a scream and some banging then a second of quiet loud pops more screaming and then loud banging on our door.

"DAD! POPS! DAD! W-WE PLEASE D-DAD!" the boys screamed through the door we opened it and they came falling in the room holding tightly to us.

"What's wrong?" I cooed softly rubbing the back of Spencer's head. Stephanie held Aron tightly to her chest looking petrified.

"The faucet it its blood and and" Seamus was choking out fragments of words trying to make them somewhat coherent while Spencer and Joe sobbed loudly. James was gripping at Seamus' back the rest of them held tightly to us on the brink of tears.

"Boys don't worry I am sure we can solve this very simply" I smiled rubbing Sly's back.

"H-how?" Kevin croaked.

"Because we did it you dumbs the poppers and the red dye in your faucet was us," Jordan laughed while they all pushed off us instantly.

"W-WHY POPS WHY DAD?!" Joe cried loudly hugging Sp00n's leg.

"Because you boys have been pranking each other and it is not alright and you need to stop. One here and there is alright but the way you boys are doing it is just plain mean" I explained while Stephanie stomped out of the room to go get ready, Aron close in toe.

"You guys are dicks" Ze mumbled trudging back with everyone else they did end up late because of the film wrap that took them forever to get out.

"Who's ready?" I cheered happily turning the camera on them.

"Ready to kill you" Stephanie seethed. She didn't like the whole prank thing when it was just the boys and now that we got into she was more than furious with us all.

"I can't believe you did this to us" Dex growled holding Kevin close to his side.

"Now will you stop pranking each other?" I asked placing my hands on my hips.

"Ok" they said in unison sauntering out of the room back to their own. Awhile later they came back to our room saying they were ready to go. We ate some breakfast before leaving to the parking lot. We strolled out of the hotel and climbing into the van and began the journey back home.

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