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<Jordan's P.O.V>

While the kids sat down stairs and watch their movie Dan and me sat in the office putting the finishing touches on our surprise.

"Ok... ok, thank you yup see you in in a week" I smiled hanging up the phone looking over at Jordan. "Its all set up we just need to get down there now" I hummed getting up and draping myself over the back of Dan's chair

"Thanks for doing that it was really nice of you to offer to do that" Dan smiled kissing my arm continuing to edit.

"Anything for you" I giggled kissing his temple.

"Do you have their stuff packed?" Dan Asked.

"And the van is rented, and I have the maps and G.P.S in the bag with the camera and so are all the changers and the laptop" I assured running down the list of things that Dan continuously reminded me of.

"God you're amazing" Dan giggled rubbing his hand on my blonde arm hair.

"I know"

*Next morning*

All of the boy's friends had left and it was just the boys and us.

"We have a surprise for you boys" Dan smiled placing more pancakes on the table.

"Your pregnant" James choked around a mouth of pancakes causing a title wave of laughter.

"Ya I am" Dan rolled his eyes shoving him slightly. "No we are going on a trip to... PAX!" Dan cheered while the boys began to lose it.

"WHEN ARE WE LEAVING?" Spencer asked bouncing excitedly

"Today" Dan confirmed.

"How are we getting there?" Kevin asked giving us a suspicious look like he thought we were going to jam all of them into the minivan or try to get them all through an airport and onto a plain. I would honestly sell the boys off before trying to get them on a plain.

"We rented van, while you guys get ready your father is going to go pick it up and then we are going to leave" I smiled nodding to Dan to show him that he should probably go get the van now.

"See you in a few" he smiled pecking my lips softly while the boys and Stephanie groaned and made gagging sounds. I watched him leave smiling to myself at how good of a guy Dan was.

"Uh pops?" Sly asked. I hummed a small response but quickly fell from cloud nine realizing I had to get them all ready.

"Ok go go go get ready we already have your bags packed they are outside your rooms lets go" I shooed them off and began to clean up the kitchen.

A few minutes later Dan walked back in whistling and spinning the keys around his figure.

"Did you get the car?" I asked wiping my hands off on one of the towels that sat on the counter.

"Yes, and did you make them go get ready?" He asked back taking a step closer looking up at me.

"They are up there and we are down here so..." I wiggled my eyebrows taking a step closer so we were pressed chest to chest.

"And?" Dan giggled coming slightly closer.

"And we are going to do this" I smiled planting my lips on his chuckling slightly at Dan quickly pulling me to him. We kissed passionately as I propped Dan up onto the counter. We continued kissing as my tongue slithered through Dan's lips and into his mouth. We moved in sync and as one, I began to climb up onto the counter to the point that I was on my knees hovering above him on the counter.

"Hey I think th- WHY? WHY HERE WHY NOW!?! WHY WHY WHY!? WE EAT HERE!" Seamus yelled covering his eyes turning toward James trying to cover his eyes.

"S-sorry boys, we got a little carried away," I laughed rubbing the back of my neck hopping off the counter.

"Let's get going the van is out front and be sure not to do something stupid in the car" Dan warned pushing them out the door to reveal a black and red BMW eight seated purring in the driveway. "Fore in back fore in front" Dan waved climbing into the driver's seat while I climbed into the passenger side.

"Everyone ready?" I questioned looking around my shoulder. I got a shrug from most of them a few grunts and head nods. Good to know I have vocal kids when I need it.

A/N: So I am reaching a writer's block very quickly if you can't tell and I would love some help. So if you have an idea or suggestions leave it in the comments or message me that would be awesome, also say when you think I should end the story cause I really don't know when. Knowing me I would probably go till like 50 before I could figure out that I need to stop.

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