White Lies | two | windfall

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White Lies

chapter ii. windfall

It all started from nothing more than a way for him to satisfy his own curiosity.

Always the curious boy growing up, Taehyung had always had so much love and admiration for beauty. He would always seek for the most peculiar things around him that nobody else could see, appreciating their beauty as he took everything in—the change of colours on the leaves as the season shifted from one to another, the way the clouds above his head would form inanimate objects among the blue sky, the way small animals in the woods around his home would take a peek out of their hideouts in the afternoon before disappearing between the bushes and trees.

Watching all the beauty around him had always been such an inspiration, and he would always make sure that he would be able to record all of those beautiful images in his own way, whether to transfer them into beautiful words in his notebook or to draw them into his sketchbook the same way he had captured them with his own eyes.

Nobody understood him. Not the way you could, and you had shown it to him many times over the years by patiently walking beside him each time and letting him enjoy every moment and every sight he found himself being enamoured of.

Even if he still had to keep his love for his art a secret from his own best friend.

Then autumn came, and a beautiful girl came into his sight. It was out of instinct when he came over to the new girl one morning after watching her from a distance for quite some time. While it was due to the fact that the sight of her standing under the yellowing leaves had made it seem poetic that he couldn't look away, it was also because of how out of place she had looked when he saw her there. Then he saw her returning his gaze with her curious one as he was making his way to her, which had drawn him further towards her.

All he wanted to do then was to say hello. All he wanted was to know her name and offer a friendly gesture to make her feel more welcome.

Her name was Mina.

And the conversation that he had with her that day did not simply end there. It had led onto something else, something more complicated than the simple friendly greeting and the promise of new friendship that he had offered her. There was something more promising in the way she was offering a helping hand to give something that Taehyung had been seeking for the most, that it had led Taehyung into following her path, in search for a way for him to fulfil one of the promises that he had made many years ago.

Except that he had never expected to find himself getting lost in the way, causing him to lose a part of his life that he had admired the most, more than the beauty of nature and the small animals that had always made his day by playing hide and seek with him every afternoon.

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