White Lies | seven | his redemption (part 2)

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White Lies

chapter vii. his redemption

It was late when you finally left the venue. Not only that you spent a longer visit there to enjoy all the artworks presented by the campus, but you also used the chance to get to know the people around him a bit better. For some reason, you had wanted to know how everyone else would see Taehyung without their knowledge of who he was in the past.

It had taken you quite a while, but once you managed to let yourself go, you were able to mingle with his friends and enjoy your time in the event. It almost felt like there was a switch inside you that was flipped the moment he showed you the painting and the more he talked about the changes that he had done in his life so far.

You had even made a few more stops to take a look at his painting before you had to leave, feeling drawn towards it that you almost found it impossible to walk away from it.

"I almost feel like I should take a picture of it," you had found yourself muttering at one point before Taehyung managed to drag you out of there.

"I didn't think that you would like it that much. It's still the opening night, so we can always come back whenever you want to just to see it again," he said, chuckling softly beside you. His voice held a sense of amusement and relief after seeing your reaction to his art, though he may not be able to understand your attachment to it when you couldn't truly explain it with words either. "But I will be allowed to take it home with me once the event is over at the end of the month. You can keep it if you want to."

The moment you were away from the venue, however, you felt as if you were drifting. The night had almost felt like a dream, and it felt as if you were still having trouble waking up from it.

Neither of you said a thing as you left his campus, except for when Taehyung offered to take you home. Silence filled the short Uber ride downtown, and you insisted to let the driver drop the both of you right at the corner of the block instead of right in front of your building, suddenly feeling the need to walk and have some fresh air.

"Is everything okay?" he asked you curiously as the two of you were walking down the quiet road.

You opened your mouth, ready to spill out your feelings, only to think better of it and shake your head. "It's fine. I just need to take a breather," you told him, doing your best not to grimace at your own lies. Technically, there was really nothing wrong, and there was no point in letting him think that there was anything for him to worry about. But you did need that fresh air after being so overwhelmed with the long day filled with one revelation after the other. Thankfully, Taehyung seemed to understand this and he simply chose to give you the space you needed while he remained by your side, following you to walk down the sidewalk to your apartment at the end of the block.

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