White Lies | seven | his redemption (part 1)

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White Lies

chapter vii. his redemption

Taehyung could barely stay calm.

As the night grew late and time grew closer to the designated time for tonight's main event, Taehyung slowly began to feel like scum.

Deep down, he realised that he was partly manipulating you, trapping you into joining him tonight without preparing you beforehand. But he also knew that he would have chickened out if he had taken his time to do it and he couldn't let the chance to slip away from him before he could do anything about it.

If only his conscience would agree with him, though.

No matter how right it had felt to have you to himself all day, he also knew how wrong it was for him to trick you into spending your time with him this way. Though, in his defence, it wasn't so much of a trick when he had properly asked to meet you today, and he kept reminding himself this defensively. Because did he not ask you to spend the whole day with him in the first place? And did you not say yes to him?

Well, technically speaking, his invitation went more like—

"Hey, would you like to spend the day with me on your free day? I want to show you my new place and maybe we can have lunch together."

And your answer came with, "Sure. I'd love to see it."

Yeah, he was scum.

Because obviously, this day did not just end with him showing off his new apartment and bragging about all the magnificent things that he had done to the place while serving you lunch. Not only that he had managed to make you stay longer than you had intended to, your special visit had even gotten extended with a downplayed version—his version—of a candlelight dinner set out on his balcony, with a home-cooked meal and a glass of wine—which was solely served for you, since alcohol would only make him feel more restless and nervous than how he already was.

The strong point of the night was that he had an amazing view from the balcony of his apartment, overlooking the hills on the other side of the neighbourhood instead of giving you the view of the concrete jungle that was part of the city and the neighbouring buildings. All it took was for him to hear you commenting about how delightful it would be to watch the sunset from that side of the balcony to give him the idea of offering said dinner to be set up right on that exact same spot. And then, as the cherry on top of his complete scumminess, he had surprised you with an invitation to the event on his campus which he had been so busy preparing for in the past few weeks, and he had done it right on the very same day, giving you another reason to stay longer instead of leaving once lunch was over.

He had never truly planned to spring this out on you. Not this way, at least. But he had kept stalling from bringing it up to you no matter how much time he had spent with you before today, and he had only gained courage after he had seen how open you were to the things he was showing you all day—sans his private art studio at the other side of his apartment, of course, only because he had yet to have time to clean the place up to be presentable enough for him to show it to you. It had somehow felt that the timing was right. And he had a moment of reprieve when you had agreed to join him, and when you had stayed for the night instead of running away from him the way he had feared you would.

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