White Lies | four | false impressions

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White Lies

chapter iv. false impressions

You had no idea what you were expecting to find when you left home to meet Taehyung today.

Whatever it was, you end up finding yourself stuck in a limbo, lost between the resolution that you had been seeking and yet still so far to reach, and the half-truths that you had both been throwing at each other.

The day had only begun to shift into dusk when you finally reached your flat. The sight of the sun lingering right above the horizon and the mix between shades of red and tangerine hue dancing in the sky still caught your eyes moments before you finally stepped foot into your warm home. On any other days, you would have lingered outside to enjoy the view, or you would have perhaps found a spot near the windows to enjoy the view until it faded away into the night. Yet, this time, you simply ignored it, choosing to revel in the darkness of your home instead.

The beautiful sight of sunset used to give you a sense of reprieve after the long days that you would normally have. This time, it was only giving you a sense of weariness, leaving you frustrated beyond belief when you looked up at the sky and remembered just what you had walked out from.

Inside, the flat you had been living in for the past two years felt terribly empty and hollow, almost just as much as your heart was. For the first time in the past two years, after you had done your best to live your life without letting the shadows of your past come in your way, you suddenly felt so alone, so distant from the real world outside. The life that you had left behind suddenly felt like a shadow looming around you, haunting you back. Never before have you ever felt so lost, that it left you feeling so exhausted, almost as if you had just run a marathon just to escape your past.

But had not that been the only reason why you were here in the first place? All because you were running from the truth?

Your mind was still wandering far in the distance while your whole body seemed to move in autopilot, tossing away your purse, your coat, and your thick scarf as you continued to trudge through your living room. You barely looked at where you were kicking your boots away before entering the lounge, completely barefoot, letting your feet feel the cold tiles beneath you to make you feel something, anything, and yet every step you took felt heavy with lead that you were practically dragging yourself all the way to the bedroom.

Without even bothering to turn on the lights, you simply gave in to the silence that was engulfing you as you fell onto your cold and messy bed. It didn't take long for you to start feeling the dread that had been following you home slowly engulfing you, making you feel suffocated. Even the comfort of your home could no longer protect you from it when the guilt comes rolling through you in waves.

It left you wondering about it, questioning yourself. If keeping the truth from the one person that had mattered to you the most had felt this exhausting, then how the hell did he manage to do it so easily all those years ago?

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