vol. 3

13 0 0

by sadboyprolific ~

⚠️trigger warning: arguing, mild verbal abuse, swearing, depression, suicide attempt⚠️

katsuki bakugo

something's wrong with deku.

he isn't smiling anymore. all i want is to make him smile, but i don't know what to do.

i've stopped bullying him. my 'friends' didn't seem to give a shit when i started being nicer to him, but i managed to beat it into their thick skulls that no one is allowed to hurt deku.

to be honest, i never actually wanted to hurt him. my head becomes a total mess when im around, though, and i can't seem to tell him how i actually feel. and now...

im really worried.

i'd do anything to see that smile again- how it lights up his eyes and could automatically make a shitty day better.

right now, we're in our second to last class of the day. i glance at him as nonchalantly as possible, which is still pretty obvious, considering he's a seat back in the next row over. luckily, he's too preoccupied with staring blankly at his desk to notice.

it's like the life has been totally sucked out of him. the bags under his eyes are darker than ever, which is probably because he hasn't actually slept in days.

the dumbass doesn't know how to turn off his active status on instagram. i can see when he was last logged on, so i check every morning at 6:30am. it hasn't said more than '30 minutes ago' in four days.

he looks exhausted and it's obvious that he's lost weight. his cheeks are sunken in and his uniform is baggier than before.

i don't like seeing deku like this. i don't like how i can't fix whatever this is.

i turn back around as the sensei started a new lecture. "okay, students. as you know, high school applications are due today. two students have already turned theirs in: midoriya izuku and bakugo katsuki. i know many of you will have hopes of getting into u.a., however please apply to two other schools as well."

i smirked to myself, leaning back in my seat. "please, we all know i'll be the only one from this lame ass school to get into u.a.! all you rejects better start applying elsewhere!"

"actually, midoriya has also put his first choice as u.a.; i'll need to speak with you both at the end of the day to go over the requirements and date for the entrance exam."

fear and anger immediately took over at that.

deku? applying to u.a.? he'll be killed before he can even step a foot on campus!

i stood up, fists clenched as i glared at the shitnerd.

"hey, deku! you're below the rejects! you're quirkless! how can you even stand in the same ring as me?" i didn't want to say that.

"no, wait, kacchan! it's not like im trying to compete with you or anything!" deku's eyes widened as he looked at me in fear, falling out of his chair as i walked towards him.

he scooted back, but i followed until he was trapped against the wall. i needed to tell him how dangerous applying to u.a. could be.

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