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The doors swung open to a comfy cottage type bakery. "this is amazing look at it!" George shouted Karl looked down at him a smiled. "It is amazing" he stroked George's hair "okay so were going cottage core right" he said putting his pen to his chin staring at his note pad. 

"yup" Karl added "oh!" George brightened up with a idea obviously and scribbled it down on his note pad. "what idea you goy baby boy?" Karl asked George smiled. "we could have fake ivy hanging from the entrance then lanterns hanging from just above peoples heads". Karl nodded to say carry on he loved the idea so far, "then we could have fake vines joining up each lantern OH and then we will have dark oak chairs with, forest green cushions on them."

"that sounds amazing anything else?" George nodded "we will have clothes on the tables and cute tea pots and cup sets with every different plant painted on them, we could have shelfs displayed with vases of all flowers and fake mushrooms." he took a breath "the glass of sweet treats will be decorated with flowers, rivers YOU NAME IT!" he threw everything in the air. Karl laughed "that is the best idea ever".

by a month the thing was done it was how George imaged it to be, displays of plants and mushrooms. the hanging lanterns with joined fake plants but that was only the decorating, "this looks amazing I'm glad you put work into this baby" Karl sighed George chuckled "you take some credit to" he nudged Karl's shoulder. "okok fine whatever you say bub" they looked around they did this: it was amazing all the hard work payed off.

George nodded "wait do you think we could hire our friends.." he turned to Karl, Karl gave a thumbs up. He knew it was going to be chaos but that's what made the place so comforting, laughing and jokes as they let there imagination in there heads go to a cupcake design or make a sweet taste in bread. The next day George got together jack, tommy, tubbo to go on trial.

"wow big man this is really something" tubbo glanced around in amazement. "its nice I guess" tommy said jack was just in pure shock "you did all this gog wow I'm so proud of you big man" he ran up to George to hug him. A few hours in was pretty chill everyone had to advance their baking skills defiantly tubbo and tommy. flour was scattered on each boy's faces icing and tiny bits of dough was round their mouths and on there aprons. in the end standard bread was made as well as cupcake's they didn't have the best design ever but practice makes perfect.

"this was so fun when you opening up I want a promotion when I've been working the hardest" tommy said at the end he muttered "I am the best out of these 2 morons" he nudged George's  shoulder he could only laugh. " I'm sure it will take a while and I'm not sure if your the best" George giggled through the sentence Tommy gasped defensively "alright then fuck you" he scoffed they all laughed.

few hours later

They had all sat down in the back room, it had a black comfy sofa with a forest green, soft blanket a set of black comfy chairs that could pull out to be a bed with a tv and a fire place. It had a bathroom filled with a sink, toilet and a half good shower. There were black towels hanged up with a small draw filled with washes. Karl was doing a lore stream with quackity and sapnap and the boys could stay however long they wanted.  They ate there cakes they made to be honest they weren't that bad. they hooked up a play station and played some games.

they found a pack of Uno and played some of that to who knew tubbo was so good with Uno. All that could be heard were the laughs and cheers of young men in the back room time had flung by, by now it was 3am and the boys were getting tired. They couldn't make it back home without passing out so they stayed the night. Tommy took a shower and changed back into his other clothes. there were 3 pull out beds.

the big one could hold 2 so tommy and tubbo shared. jack and George took the 2 singular small ones tommy and tubbo let there mums know George had gotten a miscall from Karl he texted him saying he wouldn't return tonight.

in the morning (time skip to when they all went to go leave.)

"Gogy that was the best day of my life we will have to do this again more prepared then this time" jack said they all agreed "oh also you guys I setting your homework-" they all interrupted "WHY DO WE HAVE HOMEWORK" George laughed. "I need to make sure yall get better at your jobs okay" they nodded. "okay all you have to do is make honey bread and bring it in next Thursday." jack was in pure joy tubbo didn't mind on the other hand tommy got a bit stubborn. "I've got better things to do then make crappy honey bread" he scoffed George shrugged.

"I guess that means you wont get your promotion" tommy hesitated "NONOO OKAY ILL DO IT" they all laughed. Said there final goodbyes George went home and opened the door. "Hey Karl I'm ho-" he was meted with a giant hug that almost knocked him over. "I missed you" he murmured in Georges neck George lightly chuckled. "Me to, how about we go sit down and go to sleep" he suggested just managing to take his shoes off. Karl liked the idea.

They both stumbled to the bedroom tired. And flopped on the bed Karl kissed Georges neck lovingly, he stopped in between while George was falling asleep "I love you"  George and Karl smiled before they went into a comforting sleep.                     

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