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(Inspired off of a tiktok!)

Karl,sapnap,George and dream where all taking an afternoon stroll In the park. this week had been rough for the 2 couples so they took sometime to relax and socialize.

Sapnap and dream strolled ahead the other 2 not far behind taking pictures since they missed doing it.

Suddenly Karl had this bright idea

Karl's pov:

Me and George where taking pictures while both of the boys up front chatted while strolling down the path.

It was golden hour and it was so warm and chill, the little breeze wasn't cold but too hot either. Suddenly I came up with an idea.

"Hey guys should we get ice cream! There's a truck just over there!" I pointed at the van parked on the main cobbly Stone.

"Yea sure we will stay here and you guys can pay here" dream handed us money we tried to fight but he wouldn't have it.

we went up to the truck when we couldn't barely hear hear and see them I saw George break into a sweat.

"Karl all they have been doing is taking and paid no attention to me not even this morning!" He said in a panic I stopped and looked at him.

I reassured him. "I'm sure they just missed eachother like me and you" I smiled and held his shoulder I felt sorry for him but um sure they just missed eachother...right?

"Thanks lark you're the best" I giggled as he hugged me then let go. "It's no problem but we better go before the van leaves!"

We got ours and the other 2s ice creams and started walking back.

George's pov

I felt a little better after Karl reassuring me but I still had a nerve that something was going on between the 2.

All dream mentioned was sapnap form when we woke up to now.

Maybe um just being selfish like Karl said they probably just missed eachother.

We got our ice creams and was about to tell sapnap and dream

I froze in shock as I saw my 2 best friends snogging eachothers faces off. I dropped the ice cream as I stared in shock and betrayal.

They turned to us and looked in panic. I felt my heart shattered and a cold test run down my face. Everything felt blurry until I was brought back into reality.

"G-guys we can explain!" Dream tried to go and hug me but i pushed him away heartbroken and furious I looked over to Karl be seemed to be more angry then upset..he didn't even looked like he cared..


3rd person pov


"I don't wanna hear it.." Karl said "I should've seen in coming cmon George" he grabbed George's hand in shoved him in the car.

After segc time

George was exhausted after what had happened but all of a sudden he forgot about dream. Karl was different more caring and comforting.

He fell asleep in Karl's arms hugging him.he had hickeys painted all over his neck obviously from Karl.

So he decided to face time sapnap and Karl and as soon as they answered they tried explaining to them until they saw George.

"See what happens guys." Karl clicked his tongue "We could both treat eachother better then any of you could"

Dream froze..what.

Sapnap was In disbelief no way did him and dreams boyfriend just have sex them face time then after!

"B-babe that's cheating ate you crazy!" Karl shook his head. "Did you forget what happend at the park that boys.. anyways I have an apartment fro us 2 I'm packing my stuff then we are getting George's."

Dream looked in disgust. "You're not right for him he deserves me he can't just move out!" Karl clicked his tongue again.

"Then tell me why he was saying I was better then you" the call went silent. "We will be there but tomorrow at 2 and don't get in our way" Karl spat like venom then ended the call.

He stroked George's hair until he felt himself drifted.

(OMG IT FINALLY CAME OUT! okayyyy so there probably will be a part 2 also tha know for saying yes to letting me use the idea from that tiktok tikto creator :)

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