Picking flowers

820 16 9

He isn't colour blind in here.

George loved the warm breeze and the beautiful colour of the flower field it made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

He sat down in a green grassy patch not too far away but not to close he wasn't waiting for someone,no. He picked out flower early in development.

To most people think it's better the most get the ones that are fully grown. George think the younger flowers are just right.

Obviously he feels guilty picking them anyway but he couldn't get enough of the amazing colours. He tied them all together into a flower crown that could fit anyone.

He put it down and watched the sun fall it the warm, faint breeze. Suddenly he heard a faint sound of a Car pull up.

He quickly looked who was that? Is that Karl's  car. He didn't panic, but he waited for the mysterious figure to come over.

The figure came closer till it was close enough for George to make out who it was.Karl?. That's unusual he'd never really come out anywhere like this at almost night.

He sat down next to George "what are you doing here Karl?." George's voice smooth like butter. Karl shrugged and laid down watching he sky.

"I saw your car and I wondered what you were doing." That was understandable he remembered the flier crown and got it in hand ready. "Sit up a second." That's what Karl did.

"What you gonna do to me?" He said half concerned for his safety. George giggled, "don't worry." Karl looked into the beautiful face of the brunette.

Karl didn't see anything but he felt a small pressure on the side of his head. "It's a flower crown!" George said he smiled and clapped his hand together.

"I bet it looks really good." Karl smiled he was so cute this would be the perfect place to kiss him-  Uhm what?

'He looks so handsome.' George thought.
He's caught up in his own head and started light it blushing. "Let's lay down again." Karl said so they did.

"Can I..hug you ?" George requested.
Karl was a bit taken back George was no man to ask for affection. But if course he didnt turn it down.

They shared each-others warmth in a comfortable silence. They stayed there without taking till the sky was a beautiful royal blue and the start were scattered like glitter.

Karl sat up. George obviously did to. Karl faced him and caressed his cheek smoothly.
His skin was just as soft as a blanket. George lit up red from the sudden action.

His hand went down to Georges lip pulling it down with his thumb then letting go. Butterflies were in both of their stomaches at the time George's felt like kittens.

He got closer until.........

They kissed, the kiss was passionate and loving their lips connected in a soothing way, it was soft and felt like heaven. George was in shock but if felt addictive. He melted Into the odd making some dribble run down his lip.

They pulled away Karl still holding his face. Strings of saliva clinging and connecting their lips together. Karl looked at George and smiled "your so beautiful it hurts." His voice was low but whiny.

This wasn't what George had hoped for but he wasn't complaining. He still had major kittens in his stomach and he was bright pink and red. They kissed again this time better.

(Sorry did not publishing I really don't have much motivation but THANKYOU FOR 1k READS ILY ALL TAKE CARE <33)

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