Choose Your Own Ending Chapter 2

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[May 2021]

With the disappearance of the paper you were holding, you look down the path and then to the forest. "It's not worth it," you soon decide and turn down the path that you thought was going to be safe.

And for a while, the path is perfectly fine. You pass only a few other wonderers but run into no trouble. Well, except for your aching feet. Maybe you should have listened to your father about getting more exercise.

It must have been morning when you started because the temperature is starting to get very hot. you feel yourself sweating and looking over at the forest. The shade of the luscious greens would feel so good right now, but you opted for the path and cannot change your mind now

health points -1

heat exhaustion 

The sun is right above your head and your shadow tangled in your feet. The sweat on your body makes you uncomfortable. You're thirsty and is that a building in the distance?

health points -1

heat exhaustion

Moving quicker is impossible. You walk closer to what you hope is not an illusion at a frustratingly slow pace. Until finally you are stepping up onto the porch of the building. The shade is an instant relief. There is a sign hanging over the double doors:

"Blunt Truth's Inn and Bar"

Pushing the door open, you make your way inside. There is a wonderful smell that immediately reminds you of cooking over a fire. Your nose leads you over to the counter that is manned by a short and buff man with sideburns and shaggy hair.

"What can I help you with?" he asks, holding a plate filled with freshly grilled burgers. Those little meat patties are responsible for making the entire Inn's dining area smell delicious. 

"It was very hot outside," you say instead of answering his question.

He chuckles, getting to work making the patties into hamburgers. "Ahh, yes. What a perfect day to live in an air-conditioned building. Have you come to spend the night at the Inn?" the little man asks.

"I don't know," you admit.

"Well," the little man clicks his tongue. "My name is Blunt and I'm the owner and head chef around here. This little joint is my pride and joy. I hope you will order some of my delicious food. Guaranteed to raise your health points like," he snaps his fingers, "That! And, I can easily get you a room for the night if that is what you need. Just come to me if you would like to purchase anything."

You thank him and go to take a seat at an unoccupied table. There are a handful of others here, too, escaping the heat.

Health Points +1

The food smells amazing. If you could get a hamburger, you would be on your way. Off to continue your journey into the town in the very hot weather.

Or, you could try and talk to Blunt about resting here for the night with hopes that tomorrow wouldn't be so hot.

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