Perfect Voice

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[Written: November 2020]

It was a strange sound that caught my attention. Familiar yet so out of place. I whipped my tail and propelled myself upward toward the shining sun above the waves.

To my surprise, and worry, the sound got louder.

[I]Was it, singing?

Just beneath the waves, I stop so not to be spotted by some nearby human. I now could place the voice... A song of a human. Their voice is clear as a bell and just as dazzling as the voice of a Mermaid.

Not able to contain myself, I let my head break the waves and to get a clearer listen to the wonderful singing.

The melody continues, sweet as honey and soft as feathers. It drowns me in its utter individuality. Abruptly, the sound falls flat and dies out. My eyes flutter open, and the most beautiful human female is staring back at me.

I know I should flee, instinct tells me that keeping my eyes locked on her is pointless. Yet, with the voice still sifting between my ears, I do not move to act upon this instinct.

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