Chapter 5

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June 5, 2003

Draco felt cautiously optimistic about his birthday.

"Theo should be along soon," said Blaise.

"It's fine, we can wait to order," Draco reassured him and waved the server off for the third time.

"Of course," agreed the demure voice to his right.

Silence fell again and Draco ignored the twinge of awkward discomfort. He'd hoped that increasing the amount of time spent with his friends in the company of his girlfriend might work to also bring them all closer together. Or at least, to the point where conversations felt less forced.

Letting out a rushing exhale of relief, Draco spotted his gangly friend in his Unspeakable robes ambling towards their table.

"Happy birthday!"

Theo gave Draco a hearty handshake, and presented him with a wrapped box.

"You really didn't have to bring these," chuckled Draco.

"It's tradition, mate," countered Theo and he bestowed a quick kiss on Blaise's lips. In his periphery, Draco thought he saw Astoria stiffen.

"Hello Astoria, you look lovely as always."

"Thank you, Theodore. What's the tradition?" She gestured a dainty hand at the wrapped box.

"Jelly Slugs. They're his favourite."


Not, "Oh I didn't know that about you!"

Not, "Oh, I should have known that!"

Not, "Oh, Draco, why didn't you tell me? That's so sweet Theo!"

Just, "Oh."

They'd been dating for almost a year. Since the celebration of some little pureblood's graduation from Hogwarts the previous summer. Daphne and Madam Greengrass had been chatting with Draco and Narcissa when Astoria approached for introductions. Draco couldn't remember which of the women had introduced them and then introduced the idea of Draco escorting Astoria to some upcoming gala and Draco had agreed because she was pretty and nice.

Almost a year later and Astoria kept up both her beauty in Draco's eyes and her amiable demeanour.

So, still pretty and nice.

Which was why he'd brought her to this informal gathering with his friends: a non-controlled environment. No stuffy dress robes and ballrooms, just a birthday lunch with his closest friends. Except Pansy. She'd declined, again, when Draco informed her the restaurant was in Diagon.

He'd hoped to witness Astoria coming out of her debutante shell a bit more, but thus far the only break in the facade he'd witnessed was the brief downturn of her mouth as Theo approached their table.

It could have been because they'd been sitting at this table for 20 minutes waiting for Theo to arrive. Or it could have been Theo and Blaise's intertwined hands resting atop the table.

Draco always admired this about the pair: quietly defiant in their love where Draco would have thrown a tantrum at every perceived slight cast their way in public. They attended events together like any other couple and firmly corrected every "well-meaning" elder who thought it their place to ask when these two "confirmed bachelors" would find themselves a nice witch to settle down with and produce heirs.

Blaise, ever more delicate in these situations than he needed to be, would usually say, "Theo and I are quite content together," or something gorgeously saccharine like, "Theo is the perfect life partner for me, thank you."

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