Chapter 6

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Draco gave himself a week to respond to her letter. He continued ignoring Potter's owls.


No. Too weird.


Still weird.


It mirrored her salutation. A good start.


Thank you for your strangely worded sentiments on the passing of my father. If you're worried you offended me, you didn't. If I can believe anyone capable of sparing a decent thought when they should not, it would be you.

I don't know what you want from me. I've told Pansy I'd help her with Goyle's case if she wanted, but besides footing the legal bill, and as it appears the cost of the help is not the issue at hand, I'm not sure what I can offer.

I suppose I can direct some gold towards this prisoners' fund if that is your ultimate aim. I can have my solicitors send over my standard document for donation if you'd like to fill it out. I don't know that my surname has quite the sway it used to with court members, or the public, for that matter.

Best of luck with your crusade. For what it's worth, thank you for the kindness you've shown Pansy.





You're welcome. And thank you, I suppose, for your strangely worded compliment on my ability to express compassion.

I am not looking for your gold. You have something more valuable to offer beyond money.

I think you're wrong about the perception of your family. Public opinion is actually quite sympathetic towards you and your mother at the moment and I think we can take advantage of this.

My employer has partnered with a few other human rights groups to build momentum behind a Prisoners' Rights Act (I've attached a copy of the Bill, if you're interested).

We'll be presenting testimony at a hearing in front of the Wizengamot at the end of the month and I think your presence could aid our cause. I'll even draft your remarks for you.


Hermione Granger."



I read through the proposed Bill you've sent. It's ambitious, to say the least.

I'll draft my own remarks, thank you very much. Any words out of my mouth will be my own. Besides, you'd probably have me declare something grossly sentimental and I'll not have any of your bleeding-heart tendencies associated with me.





Am I to assume that means you'll appear before the court? You're not officially associated with our firm as we've already selected our allotted witnesses, so you'll be appearing as a private citizen. If you need public speaking training, I do have some contacts through work that I can share with you.


Hermione Granger."


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