Chapter 8

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Draco dithered in front of his Floo. Was there a point to him even going in today if Granger would be absent? He could at least just drop by to see if his theory lined up with the notes he'd scribbled down in the middle of the night.

She'd probably be out the whole week. He wondered if she'd put some kind of charm on the documents on Draco's desk so he'd be unable to take them home with him.

But all of this worrying and alternate plan-concocting proved to be wasted time.

Granger sat behind her desk, same as any other day he'd arrived in her presence, already diligently working to undo some gross miscarriage of justice.

"Good morning," she said.

Draco stepped out of the fire and moved no further. Surely not even Granger could be this dedicated to her career?

"Granger... what are you doing here?"


The flat, dismissive tone might have worked on someone with less of an understanding of packing raging depression into a too-small suitcase, convincing yourself that it fit inside, and stowing that overflowing luggage out of sight and foolishly hoping it never saw the light of day.


She finally looked up at him and he clocked it then: the hollow eyes, the lack of colour in her face. No jewelry today and no makeup either. She'd dragged herself here for the distraction but Draco knew the telltale signs of someone dangling on the precipice of destructive dysfunction.

"This is my place of employment, and as I enjoy being gainfully employed, I must show up here and earn money in exchange for my skills."

"Why haven't you taken any time off?"

"Whatever for?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you seriously going to play this game right now?"

"What game?"

"The one where you pretend you're astonishingly stupid."

"Did you just call me—?"

"Because you're not stupid. Not even close."

He'd hacked her right off, he could see it. Simmering, percolating, just beneath the surface, Granger wanted to brandish her wand and shriek hexes his way.

Draco told himself he needed to push her for the investigation. He'd sat on this information all fucking night and for them to move forward he needed Granger at her best, not pining over some worthless weasel.

"You shouldn't be here today. You'll not do your clients or our project any favours if you're compromised."

"How dare you suggest... how dare you accuse me of unprofessionalism."

"Your words, not mine."

"Just because I am a woman—"

"I must have missed the part where I noted your gender."

"—does not mean I am so weak as to let my personal life interfere with my career and—"

"Merlin forbid you admit to being human."

"—and I don't need time away! How dare you presume to know anything about my life—"

"Tell me then."

Her mouth dropped open. An undignified reaction to his surprising demand, and for a split second she teetered on the verge of compliance before she retreated into her shell of avoidance once more.

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