Non shorts: Origin Story

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Man, I wish I had a cool origin story.

You know, the ones with lots of suffering and cool, dramatic music in the background and a bit of flashy lights and just the perfect touch of Hero's Journey in there.

Instead, I was average.

I'm still pretty average. Which is pretty much an average thing to say, so leading with this is pretty good. Sometimes I'm wise, but that's a big "sometimes" right there. I don't even have an origin story. I mean, origin for what? My name? My becoming of wattpad, which I never capitalize for some reason? Why I'm alive?

Well the first one actually has a story while the second is really random and the third implies to sex, so I think I'll go with the first.

I've told this story before.

Not that anyone would know that, because I deleted that story :D

But uh, it's because of an inside joke --- like most of the names on here, if you really think about it. It was the first time I started actually writing with an intent to tell a real story. Inspired by a prompt from December of that year (Write a story from the perspective of the villain), I wrote a story about Pac-Man. More specifically, the ghosts of Pac-Man.

That story is no longer available, either :D

From that came nicknames. Blinky, Inky, and Clyde. That was how it started. Pinky only came later, but now Pinky is one of my closest friends, which means that I always end up bringing her up in convos with people who have absolutely no idea who she is.

What a short story. Very compressed, yeah, but that's the gist of it. It's how I got the name of "InkytheGhost" and that name served me well for nearly three years. Only recently did I decide to change it (now it's "Inkseles," which I keep spelling wrong -_-). Why? I'll get into that later.

I'm pretty average. But I have a couple important things that I think define me as a person.

I say "couple" because I really don't want to try and count them.

Ah... the first is the fact that I have pretty decent EQ.

Oh, but Inky, what is this EQ thing that you speak of?

Well, EQ stands for "emotional quotient," which means "emotional intelligence quotient," which means how well your social skills/ability to read people are. I think that my IQ (intelligence) to EQ quotient is okay, which I'm really happy about, but sometimes EQ comes in tough. I keep finding myself as glue.

No, that does not mean that I wake up as a tube of Elmer's School Glue (washable, no run) in the mornings.

I mean that I'm the glue that holds people together. You'd probably hear that and go "oh, another person completely full of it and think that they're better than anyone," but that's not it. I hate being glue. You can't ever feel how you want to feel, because you're busy making sure that everyone else feels happy since everyone else seems unable to understand people's emotions.

That trait made me very aware of everything. So I notice a lot. Tone of voice, motions, words, everything. It made me able to express how others feel emotions because I'm so used to seeing it all the time. That came in handy in my writing.

Second thing: I'm naturally curious.

Am I cat? No. If I were, I'd probably be dead by now. I'm curious about the world and know so much random stuff that it's weird how often I began rambling about the oddest stuff. It's cool, though. I like knowing stuff. And it's helpful to include in my writing.

It also means that I'm a jack-of-all-traits. A bunch of random skills and hobbies that I picked up, infatuations with fandoms that never lasted me more than two months. All useful to have, of course. If I worked at things for long enough, I have faith that I would've become better at them. Unfortunately, my attention span isn't long enough for that.

Speaking of short attention spans, this means that I tend to leave conversations randomly. An awesome bad habit for making me the worst person to try and hold a conversation with.

But the most important thing for my origin story is probably going to be that I'm ambitious.

Ambition is never a bad thing until it is. I have lots of ambition, and usually I don't talk about it because I feel like it makes me come across as "needy" or "prideful" or anything like that. Not that anyone has ever said that to my face. But I still feel bad.

I want to be someone great! I want to be one of the best, learning from the better, working my way up to the top. I want to study what makes someone successful and magnify that tenfold. Somehow, I've never doubted that I would, even though that hasn't happened yet. This mindset of "it's meant to be" is probably going to lead to my downfall one day (seeing how it led to me not getting into the highschool I wanted, this is very likely), but since it hasn't happened yet, I don't know how to get rid of it.

After seeing Heatwaves and passerine, both fanfics for the community I'm currently absorbed in (mcyt), blow up so much, I took a step back and thought, "Wow, I want to be like that."

So the first step I took was change my name to something shorter and more unique.

I'm bent on doing this. I really want to make it big, and so I'll try my hardest to. Ambition drives me forward. I want to be remembered forever. Ride the high.

Will I make it? Probably not. But again, I have the mindset that I will. So I'll keep going until I either run out of time, or I make it.

Maybe you'll see me one day in real life, and even though you won't recognize me, I'll have finally made it.

Not so bad of an origin story, huh?

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