Postliminaries | Review

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Below are a series of feedback questions (optional, of course) that will help me with making finishing touches on my manuscript before querying it to be published. Answer whichever you want.

1. At which point did you become fully invested?

2. Were there any settings you couldn't picture or weren't clear? If so, which?

3. What was the most suspenseful part of the book?

4. Where was the point where you felt the greatest emotional payoff?

5. Which character(s) did you relate to most?

6. Which scene was your favorite and why?

7. Which main POV did you find yourself most intrigued by/interested in and why?

8. Were there any characters or scenes you felt weren't developed deeply or clearly enough?

9. What or who would you like to see more of?

10. Anything else you would like me to know in terms of criticism?

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