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    Delphinium clawed for control over the nausea that immediately washed over her

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Delphinium clawed for control over the nausea that immediately washed over her. Experiencing those events once was bad, but having to relive distorted versions of them in her subconscious repeatedly ripped open wounds that would never heal.

Blinking a few times, she assured herself she was awake. The lack of sight came from a blindfold. Her eyelashes scraped against the thick fabric.

Wait... A blindfold. Everything inside Delphinium stood on end. The air around her became too loud, too cold, too hostile.

She was being taken somewhere in a vehicle, if the steady rumble at her back was any indicator. She was being taken.

The world under the blindfold swam. Not again. Not again. Suddenly she was fifteen and in a foreign nation crowded with sobbing, dirty girls. Nearly four years, and that deathly terror had never leached from her system.

To distract herself from the imminent danger of hyperventilating, Delphinium listened. After a few moments, there was the nearly imperceptible brush of fabric on fabric. And were those masked footfalls?

There was a sudden movement and a man's deep grunt. The sickening sound of tearing flesh. Who was attacking her captors? A freezing air settled within the place, unnaturally biting.

Jake Evans.

Delphinium's thoughts ceased altogether when another large person entered the back and started toward the rogue prisoner. Acting on pure instinct, she threw her shoulders into the approacher when she felt his presence before her.

Her aim was true and her body connected with another's. He stumbled. One terrible crunch and it was done.

Jake was free. Delphinium had no idea how he'd managed it, given that her own arms were bound in a straitjacket. Not to mention the fact that Corinthian beat him to a pulp. But he'd done it.

She was faced with a crossroads: risk arriving wherever Corinthian sent them or try her chances with Jake. The latter seemed like suicide; the look of pure madness he'd worn while being tortured hadn't left her. But she would not survive being imprisoned again.

"I've seen you in combat," she said, unsure whether the driver could hear her soft tone. "You're good but I'm better. This thing isn't driving itself; there are more of them in the cab."

It was no shock when there wasn't an answer. If she was no use to him, there was no way he'd free her. If the roles were reversed, she certainly wouldn't. So she would make herself an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

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