Act I

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" Tragedy struck the city of Droghal early this morning when mayor Katerina Frazier was found dead in her home just outside the city. Initially, no signs of foul play were found within the house, in which she lived alone, however her cause of death caused authorities to second-guess their first deduction. The autopsy revealed that Frazier had three razors lodged in her esophagus and at least two more in her stomach. Her internal injuries brought her to an untimely death.

Authorities are currently looking into the perpetrator of this crime, who they believe concealed the razors within Frazier's dinner late last night. While there are no clues to the murderer's identity, detectives have been brought in on the case and will not stop until Mayor Frazier's death is brought to justice. And it will be brought to justice. "

( excerpt from the Stratford City Star-three years prior )

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