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    As the door's lock clicked, sealing the eight convicts in the room with Hunt's cronies, Jaxon's smile grew

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As the door's lock clicked, sealing the eight convicts in the room with Hunt's cronies, Jaxon's smile grew. Eight soldiers to keep them in check. Jaxon had to hold back a snort at their handguns; they would need to try harder if they wanted him afraid. A few bullets never stopped him before.

Although, as he searched the room, a few of the others did seem intimidated-of him and Jake. The fact that they were still handcuffed was an obvious red flag. Jaxon noticed with great distaste that all others were free. How unfair.

It probably had something to do with the utter bloodbath he caused before eventually falling to the IMC.

Jaxon met the eyes of a girl with dark skin and plump lips set in a strained line. Under any other circumstances, he would have wondered how a hardened criminal could look so fearful when faced with such menial danger. However, Jake's presence made sense of her unease. Jaxon was mostly used to the intense, near-mad look in his eyes, the one that gave him the sneaking suspicion he'd put a bullet into Jaxon's head next. But the looks on normal people's faces when they were forced into close proximity with Jake were priceless.

The two of them were lethal alone. Together, Jaxon liked to think they were unstoppable. After all, they'd caused more than their fair share of devastation as a duo. Perhaps the IMC would make them put that particular talent to the test in their upcoming mission.

The agent with the no-nonsense expression approached Jaxon first. "Your handcuffs will be removed for this practice session." Her eyes were sharp on his face. "If I think there's any chance you might attack someone here-"

"You'll what, kill me?" A laugh. "You won't punish me for killing your friends, but will if I fuck with one of your super-powered nutcases?"

She would never hurt him. Jaxon saw the desperation Hunt hid behind every word. It had to be very, very bad for him to come to them for help.

"Watch your language," was all the woman said. Jaxon had won.

He allowed the woman to venture closer, even helpfully offering up his wrists. There was a click as she unlocked them. How unfortunate she'd been watching him so intently, or he'd have found a pick to unlock them himself.

In the end, she had no choice. This was not the simple practice session the agent made it out to be. This was a way for the IMC to gauge their individual skill. They wanted to scope out their largest threat.

On the topic of threats, Jaxon turned to watch the real show. Jake remained perfectly still, regarding the IMC agent with that permanent detached expression. Even Jaxon was unsure what he'd do once the chains were removed. Surely he had ulterior motives. Jaxon let himself hope so-he'd never been one for orders.

Jake's handcuffs sprang loose and they were both on an even playing field with the other six criminals. Though Jaxon expected him to begin turning everyone in the room into popsicles, Jake did nothing of the sort. He simply stared at the others as they practiced with harmless weapons.

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