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Before reading:

The grammar won't be perfect in this or any of my stories.
English isn't my first language and the grammar is the part that's hardest for me so I am aware that it's not always right.
So with this little note I just want to kindly ask you not to comment on it, thank you.


I look at him moving and he looks amazing, how can one person move over the stage like that without breaking every bone in their body? I may never know but I know that he looks like a butterfly flying over the stage. I take up my video camera and film a little of him moving together with the white dressed girl. She will never give him what he deserves, he is way too good for her.

She doesn't move her body the same way as he does, she doesn't get lost in the music. She is way too focused you need to let go of everything and let the music lead you.

I don't know that much about ballet but I know that he is lost in the music and he is so talented that I can't even put words to it.

"Harry you need to let Jessica have the spotlight, you are just there to help her!" I hear a female voice scream, I take down my camera and hide behind the wall to not have anyone seeing me now when the focus isn't fully on the pair on the stage.

"I'm sorry I just got lost in the music again." A male voice say and I look around and realize that the male dance must be this Harry boy, why is she screaming at him? He did the whole thing magical! Without him it would just be like any other ballet.

A phone signal break my eyes from the boy, I realize pretty fast that it's my phone so I try to get it up from my pocket as fast as possible because let's face it they have probably heard it already and I am supposed to be in class, not spying on the dance class.

"Liam what do you want?" I whisper in to the phone, I know that he is supposed to be in class too so why is he calling me? He should be learning about boring shit!

"Where the hell are you Louis? You promised you would go on your French lesson!" He says in to the phone.

"Why aren't you on a lesson Liam?" I whisper and watch the boy move again over the stage, he doesn't look as happy as before and I feel like the magic in the dance is gone. The music is playing and I would never normally listen to this classic music but here I am watching this boy dance. I never know I would be so stuck on a boy dancing ballet.

This is not the first time I am here watching him dance, but this is the first time he isn't alone. He is usually dancing alone and that is one of the most beautiful things in the world, he is moving like he would be dancing on clouds.

"... nd Mr. Trender never came so I don't have math." Liam says and I realize that I got so lost thinking about the beautiful boy so I didn't even hear what he said. Why the hell would he have Mr. Trender in math? He is our English teacher, well I'm not going to ask him because he probably already told me when I wasn't listening.



"Are you watching him again?" Liam asks me, I know Liam knows that I have a little obsession over the way he moves, but he will never understand how beautiful and magical it is. Liam is a law student and he don't believe in the magic, I honestly have no idea how he got together with a drama student because she does believe in the magic of art.

"Yes" I say and slowly starts walking away because I know that it's just a few minutes until they will end class and I do not want them to see me, I just like watching him move.

"You should stop watching him and start thinking about your school work Louis." I sigh and listen to Liam telling me what I should and shouldn't do, this is not the first time he talks about this. I just want him to let go and act like my friend and not my dad. I know he tries to be there for me but the thing is that I don't want him to be my dad, I just need him to be my friend right now.

"I know, it's just something about him Liam. He is perfect for my media project." I say and look around in the empty corridor, soon it will be filled with people who will all go to different places when they are done here.

I know Liam can't say anything when I bring up my media project because I am a media student and we do have a media project... the thing is that I probably won't use this to that, I probably just film my sisters.

"Just please promise you will think about your school work more Louis, you need to pass more than just your media class" Liam say. I know he means good and he thinks that I act this way because of my dad... but in all honestly I don't think I do. I know that when my dad died I stopped doing a lot of things but this feels like I am doing something that makes me feel magical.

Like when you were younger and you could pretend that you were a superhero and then you become on, the magic of not stop believing. Like Disney world is a magical place to be. There is so much magic in the world that no one sees and I just want to see it all. I want to see everything from the magic in art to the magic in love.

I want to see the magic in life... the magic my dad never saw. I believe that if you don't see it you go crazy, and if you stay crazy for too long then you can't take it... that is how I saw on my dad's suicide. The last thing he ever said to me was that I shouldn't miss the magic like he did.

I don't say goodbye to Liam I just hang up, I know he hates it when I does that but he should be used to it, I do it all the time.


This is the first part of Magic and I hope you will enjoy this story!

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