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Ugly faggot!

No one loves you and no one will ever love you!

Why don't you just go and kill yourself!

You are worthless!

Why would Louis like someone like you when he can get so much better?

You are just a pathetic little boy who doesn't deserve to live!

Why are you still alive you worthless piece of shit!

Go and kill yourself!

Do it!

All those voices, they just won't stop, they won't leave me alone! I just want them to stop please make them stop just make them stop!

I have been trying to make them stop but they just scream louder and louder. I can't even hear my own thoughts they are so loud!

The tears are falling down my eyes like the rain outside is falling down on the ground, that doesn't really help my problem because I am finding it so hard to breath!

I don't know what to do! I usually know what to do but right now I feel like nothing is going to help me clam down, I need to clam down! WHY CAN'T I CLAM THE FUCK DOWN? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!

I pull my hair and try to make the voices to stop screaming all those horrible things at me! Why can't I be happy why do I need to always be unhappy for them to stop shouting at me, why are they there?!

"Harry darling listen to the sound of my voice." I look up and try to see through my tears who is in front of me, the voices in my head is so loud that I can't figure out who the voice belongs to, all I know that it's a girl voice.

Mum... it's mums voice!

"You need to listen to my voice honey!" I can hear the panic in her voice but I can't clam down and just listen to her I am trying but her voice is getting drowned in all the voices in my head.

"ROBIN CALL LOUIS!" I hear Louis name and know that I need him I need Louis! My Louis!


I throw myself in to the car and start it, Robin called me and told me about Harry and that was the moment I was out the door and on my way to Harry, I needed to see my baby and know that he is okay. I know he probably isn't and that is why I need to be there and make sure that he will be fine, my baby needs to be fine.

The drive there pass in a blur I don't remember most of it, but I know that I probably drove way too fast for my own good, but I also know that the only thing on my mind is the beautiful boy that means the world to me.

"Thank god you're here" Robin say when I storm in through the door, I am pretty surprised by myself because I usually wouldn't just storm in to someone's house like this. But I guess you could say that I am not really in my right mind to think about that, all I can think about is my baby, my harry.

"Harry baby?" I ask when I come in to the room and sees Harry on the floor with his mums arms wrapped around him, I can hear her whisper words to him but it's like he doesn't even notice that she is there, what is going on?

I know that he is freaking out about something and it scares the living shit out of me because I don't know what to do. But both Anne and Robin is counting on me, it's like they both know something I don't and I am scared shitless to do something wrong and make Harry freak out even more, I can't have Harry freaking out I am in love with that boy I can't be the reason why he freaks out!

"Harry" I say when I walk over to him and sit down beside him and Anne, he doesn't show any sign of hearing me or even knowing that I am there and that is fucking scary!

I'm not scared of Harry, I am scared for Harry. I'm scared because he looks so scared and I absolutely hate it, I hate how he feels because he doesn't deserve it.

"Harry baby." I say and take his hand in mine, as in an instant he relax and I feel like I just made something magical, who knew that I had this effect on him. I keep talking and saying sweet nothings hopefully drowning all those bad things that makes him so scared, I want to understand so badly why he is acting like this.


I look at my son and I feel how the tears are falling down my eyes, I don't know what going on, I know that he used to have those attacks but I thought that they had stopped.

I try to keep clam and the only thing that is still making me feel like he is going to be okay is the boy beside him telling him how much he is worth... I don't think Louis realize how much love he is showing by just being here in the middle of the night for my son. I couldn't have asked for someone better than Louis for Harry.

Louis is perfect for him and I know that Harry knows it too.

"Harry darling, you need to listen to my voice, you are the most beautiful human alive and I am freaking in love with you. I know this probably isn't the right time but damn it Harry I love you.... I really do." He says and I feel myself smiling because of how this boy is telling my son that he loves him.

Everything a mom wants is for their child to be happy, and seeing someone loving my son just as much as I love him is magical.


Okay let me get one thing straight with you guys! I update when I feel like updating because right now my life is a freaking mess!

I have had people writing messages to me telling me that I am bad at updating but let me tell you guys this, I fucking know that! I know that I haven't update in more than 1 month! but wanna know something? Right now there is so much going on with me that I am sorry that I don't update all the freaking time!

I would say sorry if this was only because I am a lazy ass but it's not! it's because my stomach have been fucking sense May and I have been walking around feeling like I will throw up at any second sense then! I have been taking medicine and it made me tired and then there have been all those other things like I saw All Time Low!

But the real point is I haven't updated because I have been thinking that I should focus on actually getting okay before I even try to write something that probably will end up like shit anyway!

The thing is that I am trying to update but sometimes my body fucks with me and just won't let me and I write for the sake of that I find it fun to because I have to.

Okay now I am sorry about that little rant but hey I don't want you to pointing out in my messages that I haven't updated any of my stories in a while like you can comment on that story that you want me to update but please at least be a little bit nice if you're gonna message me.

Like don't you even think about that maybe something isn't like it should in my life?

Okay now hope you enjoyed the part and I will try and update again soon. See ya and thanks for still reading!

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