[6] My Friends Dont Walk; They Run

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- Brightmoon Palace Gardens -

The hatch opened to reveal two sets of feet, those of which belonging to Adora and Catra.

Instantly, everyone rushed to give them a hug. And before they even stepped foot off the ship, they were trampled by the Princess Alliance.

"Adora! Catra! Your back!" Glimmer yelled, squeezing the two so tight they felt they might burst.

"Uh- Guys-" Adora whispered, not being able to breath.

Suddenly everyone let go, causing Adora to start laughing and Catra to start wheezing.

"Sorry," Bow said, putting one hand on each of their shoulders, "We're just really glad your back. Especially considering..."

"Yes." Catra and Adora looked at each other before Catra answered, "Where do we start?"

- - -

"Silver Inn?" Adora questioned, looking at the paper before looking up at the sign. She turned to Catra, who shrugged before stepping through the door.

"This is where Glimmer told us to check."

Upon entering, they were instantly greeted with the warm aroma of baked goods and cinnamon.

"Hello! My name is Snowy and I run this little Inn," A woman with brown hair greeted them from behind the counter, "How can I help you ladies today?"

Adora stepped forward, "Yes, were looking for a girl who looks like this?" she pulled out a photo of y/n.

Snowy took a moment to lean forward and look at the photo, and her eyes widened in realization.

"Y-yeah, she rented a room a couple nights ago."

Catra and Adora shared a glance. "Is she here now?" Catra asked.

"No she went to the library I think. Why are you searching for her though? Is she a criminal? Oh stars have I been housing a criminal?!" Snowy began to panic.

Adora shook her head vigorously, "No no, she's just... an old friend. Weve been trying to find her for a while now."

The woman visibly relaxed, "Oh thank goodness. We'll, let me know when you find her."

The two nodded before thanking the woman and heading out the door.

- Y/n -

After spending hours doing extensive research on the topic of Princesses, I now had some main points to work with.

First off, we had the good things about the princesses:

- Politically and Economically, the Princesses are extremely smart

- The princesses defeated the Evil Horde / Horde Prime, which liberaited Etheria (And is still working on Liberating other planets)

- They all have a very close relationship with one another, which benifits trade

Then we had the bad things:

- They tend to care more about their own (Which isnt always a bad thing, but it can be considered a weakness)

- If one of them falls, they all seem to crumble (As seen when Princess Entrapta was thought to be dead, and when Princess Y/n died)

- Too passive

Now, knowing all of these things, I was able to draw my own conclusions about the Princesses: That they weren't as bad as Sera had said they were, but they still had weaknesses and sore spots.

Content with my research, I slid my mask and cloak back on before putting all of the books away and starting to walk out the door.

But just as I was about to walk out the door, a hand touched my shoulder.

I quickly turned, seeing two woman, one with blonde hair and the other with brown hair and cat like features.

The blonde one had baby blue eyes, and was wearing a red coat with a medalion on the front, as well as a white turtle neck underneath.

The brunette was wearing a red / black shirt and black pants, not to mention she had cat ears and a cat tail.

"Sorry to bother you, but have you seen this girl?" the blonde said, holding up a picture of a girl with H/c hair, and E/c eyes.


I grabbed the picture from her hands and examined it closer b efore my eyes widened in shock.

Thats a picture of me...

Panicking for a moment, I wasn't sure what to say, so instead I shoved the paper back into her hands

"Look Blondie, I don't have time for that stuff." And I was about to turn away when the girl spoke again.

"Y/n...?" every ounce of confidence in her voice had left, and my name only came out as a whisper.

I turned to face them, my eyes still widened, "I- I don't know who you are. Please leave me alone."

"Please just list-" The blonde suddenly grabbed my arm.

I pulled away but she kept a tight grip, "Let go of me!" I looked around and noticed we had attracted a crowd of people.

"Y/n just-"

"I said- LET GO!" I felt some sort of energy go through my arm and into the tips of my fingers, and then the girl let go.

And with a quick spin on my heel, I began running off in the other direction, dodging people and carts.

"Y/n! WAIT!" I heard from behind me, but I kept on running.

Eventually, I reached the bridge that I came through to get to Brightmoon and the two girls were still right on my tail.

There must have been a rock under my foot or something, cause a sudden slip caused my mask to go flying to the ground.

But I wasn't quick enough to pick it up, so I just kept running.

I was about halfway across the bridge when I realized that there were more than two people running behind me now, in fact, there were about 5.

I also knew that if I were to run into the woods, I had a greater chance of either being caught, or getting lost and dying. So, I stopped running for a moment and put my hands on the railing of the Bridge.

The people chasing me were yelling, but I couldn't hear them as I threw myself over the Bridge and into the water below.

"FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL!!" was the last thing I heard before I plunged into the water and blacked out.


Almost forgot to release this chapter haha. Anyway have a lovely day <3

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