I. 'The continuation'

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Soo.... I missed valentines.... I know but please forgive me I'll write this chapter now and it'll be longer just because I love you and I'm sorry. Thank you for taking your time to read this ~ (☆^ー^☆)


Three years later

I opened my eyes as the morning sun announced that it was time to wake up. The curtains of the room where open which didn't made me quite happy but I did enjoy the view that the big window provided. The clouds were swirling around the soft blue color of the sky. Thick layers of red, orange and green were forming an oval shape. I didn't like rainbows but lately I've found myself enjoying them more and more.

I heard a yawn which made me realize that the boy next to me was awake. He placed his hand on his forehead blocking the sun from his eyes.

"Good morning." I said with a chuckle.

"Um... Morning." He yawned again.

I stood up from the bed looking around the so familiar room. The walls were painted yellow. They had many posters and pictures hung on them. One caught my attention. It displayed me and the team all hugging together. Starfire had a bright smile on her face which she never used to dispose of. Cyborg and Beastboy had their fingers closer to the camera showing a peace sign. Robin had his arm wrapped around my shoulder with a large grin on his face. I, on the other hand, was glaring at him.

The photo was from the time we were thirteen. The team had just built up. This memory filled me with sadness.

"Rae." I heard someone call from behind me.

Robin embraced me slightly. He planted a small kiss on my cheek which, I had to admit, made me feel a lot better.

"Maybe we should go visit them," I suggested, "See how all of them are doing. I'm worried. I don't know what happened since we left."

"Rae, I'm sure they're doing okay," He tried to comfort me but he couldn't even convince himself, "Starfire has returned to her home planet and Vic is part of the League now. Garfield has returned to the Doom Patrol - to his own family. They're all living a happy life probably."

"Yeah, probably."

*Flashback* (3rd person)
-- Before six months --

"Raven!" Starfire scremed down the hallway.

"What?!" The other girl asked already annoyed of the presence of her best friend.

"Raven, I've great news," She started flying around the room excited to tell her friend everything, "I'm moving back to Tamaran."

That left Raven open mouthed, "You're leaving the team?"

Starfire looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry, Raven but this is my duty. My people want me to become a queen of the planet. Think about it," She made another circle in the air, "I'll rule a whole planet because of my sister. Our father didn't forgive her and so, he wants me to become the ruler of the tamaranians."

"You'll be a queen?" Raven raised an eyebrow.

She knew exactly how clumsy her friend is so she wasn't sure how she will be able to rule a whole planet. On the other hand, tamaranians weren't exactly as intelligent so she might be able to manage.

"Raven, it's a great opportunity to see my own family and my father won't forgive me either if I decline. Understand that-"

"I understand, Star. It's important for you. You put your people's needs before yours," Raven stood up and placed her hand on her best friend's shoulder, "You'll make a great ruler."

Starfire's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Raven. Then, she flew off to tell the others.

*End of flashback*

So, what do you think? Feel free to leave your suggestions below I always read my comments!
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~ (^ω^)

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