Chapter 4: Young

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Morning comes and I cannot believe it when I wake up on top of him. I sit up and admire him as he sleeps. His eyes suddenly open and I smile. But when he looks at me he does not return the same happiness that I feel and instead regards me as coldly as before. As if nothing had happened.

"Amanda, the bed is enormous must you be on top of me? I did my part now get off." Something in my face must have visibly changed. "I told you not to let your affliction intervene," he says and shoves me away from him as he gets up from the bed. 

I sit quietly watching as he picks up his clothes from the plethora of things that had also ended up on the floor as a result of last night.

"Put your clothes on," he says as he buttons his shirt, "We have to start our search."

I look around the room and see that a lot of damage had been caused. Lamps, vases, cushions, and pillows had been destroyed. He'd used up a lot of energy. "Shouldn't you eat first, my Lord?"

"Yes! It completely slipped my mind. Come here." He sits down on one of the couches and I walk up to him. "Sit."

I look at the position I was in: naked, standing in front of him with his leg between my thighs. If I sat, it would be bad.

He looks up at me. "I said 'sit'".

I take a breath and sit down trying my best to suppress any noise caused by his thigh pressing against me.

Either he didn't notice or didn't care because he just pulls me closer and eats. But after a few moments, I see that his form has changed.

"My Lord, what's the matter? Why did—"

"Is this too much for you?" He moves his thigh causing me to jump. "Your desire is so strong it's radiating off of you." He grabs my face in his hand and his long nails make me shiver. "Your scent is so full of want and need. It was too enticing for me to ignore." I blush furiously at that and his mouth curls into a delighted grin.

"I-it's because you made me sit on your lap, my Lord," I mumble pointlessly.

His crimson eyes regard me silently and then he pulls me onto the couch.

"N-no, my Lord! It's fine!"

The glow from his eyes shines on my face. "I'm keeping my deal, demon."


"Now let's go," he says.

I need to breathe. I need to catch my breath. Fix my hair. Maybe heal up some of the scratches and bruises. And change into my clothes. But really I just need to focus on breathing right now.

Once we had gotten dressed, we head out of the penthouse and make our way to the elevator.

"That was a very long setback," Joshua mumbles.


"Since the portal brought us here, she's near here. I just don't know how far."

"Age? Race? Hair color? Anything at all?" I ask.

He frowns. "Unfortunately, no. There are millions that reach out to me. She just stood out."

Hmmm, she stood out. "Her boredom— was it new?"

"Yes! She's innocent," he thinks for a moment, "She might be young then. But no matter, if that boredom can be turned into something beneficial then who am I to be picky on age? After all, no matter how old, I will always be far older by millennia."

I nod. "That's true."

"What time is it?"

"About midday."

"I see. I don't think it was a coincidence that we were left so close to a school. It has to be one of them."

I look out at the building which I now knew was called a school. There were all these young girls in uniforms scattered around at the front. I wonder which one it could be.

Suddenly, Joshua grabs my arm and pulls me to him as we begin walking away.

"Do we look out of place, my Lord?"

"Yes. We may look human and are dressed decently as well, but besides that, we don't have any viable reason to be here. We don't work here. We don't know anyone here or do we have a child that goes or could be enrolled here."

"We could make a child."

He turns to look at me with widened eyes. "Don't be ridiculous! Besides even if we did—," his cheeks flush suddenly, "Not that we would! It wouldn't work. It would take too long."

I look away. "Demon pregnancies are short."

Through my peripheral vision, I see that he had looked away from me and then down in a most peculiar way. He appears somber.

"It was a joke, my Lord." I smile and nudge him.

He clears his throat and straightens up. "Yes! Of course, a joke!"

"We could just talk to the person in charge, " I say it knowing he would understand the hidden meaning.

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