[ 000 ] January first

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It's going to be January first in a few minutes. It's going to be a new year. A very special year for everyone turning twenty-one that year. Why? Well, it's simple, On the January 1st of the year you're going to become twenty-one you'll get something that'll link you to your soulmate, a soulmate link.

There are many soulmate links, 127 links to be exact, those links could be visible or invisible to the naked eye. The most common soulmate link is soulmate link 2 where whatever your soulmate first says to you will be written on your wrist. Though, it's not the best if the first thing your soulmate says to you is rude or a curse word.

Another soulmate link that is very common is soulmate link 3. Where you and your soulmate will have the same numbers on your wrist. Though there was a pair of very unfortunate soulmates who got 69, many people didn't believe it was their real number and thought it was fake. 

"There's ten seconds until next year!" A little boy exclaimed with stars in his eyes.











The moment the clock struck twelve all the teens who were going to be eighteen that had gotten physical soulmates links, the links started to appear.

"           ! LOOK!" A brown haired boy yelled excitedly. He stared at his cool soulmate link with stars in his eyes, he couldn't wait to show it to his friends.

A black haired boy gasped in shock, his soulmate link wasn't the same as his boyfriend's. "What am i going to do? " He nervously asked to his friend who was as shocked as him.

But the ones who didn't get a visible soulmate link sighed. They had to either figure it out on their own or go to the doctor (most common choice.)

"I guess we're going to go to the doctor..." A boy said in chinese.

"great." Another boy said, he was disappointed and annoyed.

None of them knew, no, no one knew that they (and some others) were being watched by the two cupids, who's names no one knows, they only know the first letters of their names. Which are K and J.

"Wonder what'll happen this time" J said looking down at the mortal world through the fountain.

"Whatever happens is your fault" K stated before leaving J alone in the cloud garden.

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