[ 002 ] Library

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— January 3rd

Hyunjin and Jisung were arguing -quietly, because they were at the library- about who should ask the librarian for help.

You may be wondering why are the dramatic llama and the stupid squrriel at the library? And why were they arguing who should ask the librarian for help?

Well, you see, they both wanted to know more about their soulmate links. "Couldn't they have just googled it?" Well, they could have but their parents decided they needed to go out more and needed to stop using their computers so much, so... here they are.

"I was the one who called the pizza delivery or whatever! So, you should be the one to ask this time!" Jisung argued. It was true, he was the one who called but...

"I was the one who opened the door!" Hyunjin reminded.

Jisung rolled his eyes before finally accepting his defeat. "Ugghh, fine!"

Hyunjin watched as Jisung approached the librarian. He, the librarian looked very tired and looked like he was going to kill anyone who spoke to him earlier, he still does but not so much. The librarian got up and said something to Jisung, Hyunjin guessed it was something along the lines of "follow me" because Jisung followed him like a lost puppy, execpt he wasn't a puppy, he was a lost squrriel.

They got closer and closer to him. "Hyun, he said to follow him" Jisung whispered to him. Hyunjin also started to follow.

It looked like a father duck and two baby ducks, expect the father is a rabbit and the baby ducks are a squrriel and a llama. Does that even make sense? No. Do I care if it does or not? No.

"Here," The libarain said as he stopped at a shelf. "This is where you, Jisung?" He looked at Jisung for conformation and after he nodded, he continued. "Will find information about your soulmate link" he informed before looking at Hyunjin. "Hyunjin, right?"

"That's me"

"Books about your soulmate link are a bit further away, and it's a bit harder to find" the librarian informed. "But I'll lead you there"


caw caw caw

"So... what's your name?" Hyunjin asked trying to make small talk, the silence was killing him. I'm suprised it hasn't already killed him.

"Minho, my name's minho," he answered. He was very quiet and it made him even more intimidating. Oh, did i forget to mention he looks very intimidating because he has a resting bitch face? I did? Oops! Atleast now you know.

"So... minho! When were you born?"

"1998, you?" Minho replied as he, without stopping, grabbed a book from a shelf because the book was in the wrong section and how did Minho know that by just looking at it? Because it's his favourite book so, he knows very well the book belongs in the fantasy section and not the soulmate section and not because he has memorized all the books and where they belong or something, he couldn't care enough to do that and neither could you or maybe you could but that doesn't matter!

So he's older... Hyunjin took a mental note of it, before he told Minho what year he was born in, which is 2000 but we all know that, don't we? Unless you're a baby stay, that is.

Minho nodded. Of course he thought to himself and no, I will not elaborate why he thought that, figure it out yourselves, you have brains, right? Oh, wait, you don't.


What the fuck. He didn't understand anything, and honestly I wouldn't have understood either like, "what the fuck do you mean it's not because of science and what the fuck do you mean by 'because of the two gods, K and J' ? There are gods? Im so confused." Poor Jisung, and I would say Hyunjin but, he's doing fine :)

( if you listen closely you can hear him, Hyunjin losing his will to live. )

He's fine.

But Jisung isn't. Jisung now regrets never listening in class.

"Are you okay? You look dead," oh was that the gods speaking to him? Jisung looked up and found out it was in fact not the gods but a man with godly visuals, very hypnotizing visuals.

Jisung shook his head, "I'm fine, I just don't understand this at all,"

"Let me see," and he procedds to explain everything in a way so simple that even Jisung's squrriel brain understood. He should be a teacher.

"Thank you! You should be a teacher or something"

"I'm actually a dancer teacher?" He was unsure of what to call himself, dance coach? Instructor? Whatever, he didn't really care.

"That's so cool!" Jisung exclaimed and he wasn't wrong, it was cool, Minho was cool.

Minho grinned, "Thanks," it honestly boosted his confidence that was... dying but now it was thriving! 

"Hyunjin rea-"

"Talking about me, aren't you?" Hyunjin stated the obvious and Jisung

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Anyways so, as i was saying, Hyunjin really likes dancing,"

"I can speak for myself!"

"Oh?" Minho hadn't really met anyone who liked dancing. Maybe it was because he didn't talk to people much or maybe because it wasn't common to like it... he convinced himself it was the latter even though deep down he knew it was the first. "I actually own, well, my family owns a dance studio and we are actually looking for dancers, wait does that make sense? Nevermind, I don't care,"

"Are you asking me to join or something?" Hyunjin asked because he was pretty confused. I personally think it's pretty obvious but I do know everything... about them and their world, that is.

Minho nodded before taking out a piece of paper with his number, "my number" he told just incase Hyunjin didn't realize what it was but luckily Hyunjin knew what it was pretty quickly because he often gets people's numbers but he usually would refuse them because he was a taken man before.

"I'll text you if i decide to take your offer,"

"How the fuck did this go from me not understanding anything to this" Jisung whispered to himself.


"This is going oddly well," K said quietly. The fact nothing had gone wrong made him feel suspicious, but also relaxed. Maybe it won't turn out to be a disaster or maybe it will. Is this foreshadowing? Yesnt.

"Honestly, yeah," J agreed, "Maybe D isn't going to do anything," D is the god of chaos or mischief, he's not really powerful but he still has powers so, he's like a pranksters that can do magic tricks.

"I mean, he is friends with one of them," K reminded.

"Wait D has friends??" Another god asked in shock. They hadn't heard anything about D befriending any god or goddess.

"Get out!"



Minho <33

I wrote whatever lol.

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