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January 2nd 2021.

Han Jisung and his boyfriend, Hwang Hyunjin had been together since high school they both were 100% sure they were soulmates but K and J had different plans for them.

They sat on the opposite sides of the table. They felt suffocated. They didn't know what to say, they were still in shock. It was impossible. It didn't make any sense. Everyone told them they were perfect, that they were meant to be. How were they not soulmates?! It must be a misunderstanding! It must b-

Platonic soulmates

Wait, that might be it. That makes sense! So much sense!

Hyunjin suggested it might be that but Jisung just showed his soulmate link. It was a red heart with initials on it. "I may have done some research," Jisung confessed like he was compressing that he murdered someone. "red hearts mean... romantic, yellow mean platonic." He explained quietly. He sounded like he felt guilty and Hyunjin felt bad for making him feel that way. It wasn't his fault that they weren't meant to be.

"I..." Hyunjin paused. They say think before you speak which was exactly what he did. He thought about it again before speaking. "I think we should break up." He told looking away, avoiding eye contact. It was a hard but it was for the better.

"Can we... you know, stay friends?" Jisung asked nervously. Losing a lover was hard but losing your bestfriend whom you've known since you were five was harder. Atleast for Jisung that is. He'd rather die than lose his bestfriend.

Jisung's question made Hyunjin laugh. "Of course," Jisung felt relief wash over him. "Remember our promise?" Hyunjin asked.

"Duh, I, unlike you, am not forgetful" Jisung said causing Hyunjin to roll his eyes. Yes, Hyunjin was forgetful but Jisung was more forgetful. It was a well known fact that only Jisung didn't know.

"Shut up, I have a- no two lists of times you've forgotten stuff!"



Jisung stopped to think. He couldn't recall any times Hyunjin had forggotten anything. "You win!" Jisung said admitting his defeat.

"That was an emotional roller coaster. How'd you go from breaking up to arguing about which one of you is more forgetful" Someone —maybe the someone is the voice of reason?— asked.

"Changbin!" The two arguing exes screamed. Changbin was reasonable but he wasn't the voice of reason in their friend group, instead he was the emo kid and yes, Jisung chose him to be the emo kid of their friend group.

"Your parents wants to talk to you"

"Be more specific, to me or to this stupid squrriel?"


"Both of you"


They were all seated at the dinner table. No one had spoken yet so it was slightly awkward.

Nevermind that, it was EXTREMELY awkward. Hyunjim had never wanted to jump out a window so badly and Jisung had never been this quiet at dinner. Of course he was quiet when they ate but befire that he would usually talk to his parents about how his day was. What about when Hyunjin and his parents had dinner with Jisung and his parents? Oh, they'd usually argue and their parents would laugh at them.

"So..." Hyunjin's mom, Mrs. Hwang started to speak, breaking the awkward silence. "You both got your soulmate links today, right?" She asked cutting her steak.

"Uh, y-yes, yes we got our soulmate links last night" Jisung answered —nervously— for the both of them.

"Can we see your soulmate links?" Mrs. Han asked.

Hyunjin and Jisung nervously looked at eachother. Should they show them? How would they react? They wouldn't react badly, or will they?

"Why are you two so nervous?" Mrs. Hwang questioned suspicious of their behavior. "Is it something innaporpriate?" She asked, playfully.

"No but...," Jisung paused to look at Hyunjin for reassurance, Hyunjin nodded. Taking a deep breath he finished his sentence, "We aren't soulmates," Both their parents were shocked, even the servants that were in the room were shocked.

"That's fine." Mr. Han said making the two boys relieved. "Now can we both your soulmate links?"

"Of course!" Jisung showed his wrist with enthusiasm. "I think their surname is Lee because of the L!" He shared his guess and Hyunjin shook his head.

"They might not be korean"

"That's a possibility but I'm sure I'm correct!"

"You're probably wrong"

"What! No! Me? Han Jisung, wrong? Never!"

"I have a lis-"

"Hyunjin, aren't you going to show us your soulmate link?" Mr. Hwang asked interrupting the two ex lover's argument.

"Oh, I don't have a visible one," Hyunjin informed.

Mrs. Hwang nodded in acknowledgement. "We will go to the doctor tommorow"  She told Hyunjin making him sigh, he hated going to the doctor but he knew he had no choice since it was a must to go to the hospital to see a doctor.



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