Part 1 0.2

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RG: if they got captured we surely must of heard something but it was silent as a mouse

Six: maybe we can just go without them?

RG: Are you insane! None of us are good at combat aside from mono and we don't even know where he is!

Six: But maybe I can do something KILL something!

RG: yea no look I know you want to prove your capability but you need to be careful

Six: I am careful!

Mono: Careful

Seven: Careless

RG and Six turn around to see the two boys filled with black goop laughing

RG: are you guys okay what happend we were worried!

Seven: were fine we just got bored so we went out to do something

Mono: then we had a little to much fun with that

Six: wait did you guys hear what we were talking about?

Mono: only a bit something about combat and how I'm the only one who knows it

RG: can I tell them now?

Six rolled her eyes falling on the couch as she ate some bread

Six: Sure why not-

RG: soo- remember when Six went out to do something and she told us to stay here earlier- yea uhm well she went to the watch tower and she told me she saw some creatures that looked like humans and monsters and I told her I saw one passing my the school with a kid Like us but I wasint sure so we were planning to go there and find the kid to see who he or she is and-

Seven: holy- calm down we get it-

Mono: We'll go lol

Six: you guys took that rather Well

Six stood up grabbing her bag

Mono: yea well what can I say

They all head out to the school they had some mini stops with either to hide or look for materials they might need they soon got to the school going in from the window

Mono: be very quiet we don't know what or who can be hiding in the shadows

They all moved slowly looking around from room to room till they got to a place with some kind of kids?

RG: what are they?

Seven: Porcelain kids I bet- there shiny like glass and a pot there not real kids

RG: so was I wrong?..

Mono: maybe maybe not who knows but we're not done yet-

Six: well hurry im not getting a good feeling about staying here any lo-

Before she could finish one of the Porcelain children grabbed her arm and pulled her back as two other kids come to help

RG: Six!

She tried to push them off with mono and seven helping but they just got away pushing them all to the ground

RG: Oh no- I'm sorry this was a bad idea I didn't I-

Mono stood up smiling under his paper bag

Mono: Hey its okay rg we'll find her she's tough and can handle herself for a bit so it's cool!

Seven: yea- I've known Six for the longest sorta and nothing gets passed her

RG: yea okay let's go

RG helps seven up soon walking behind mono venturing through room to room again looking for Six and trying to avoid the Porcelain kids

Mono: okay- you guys stay behind me try not to die and stay low

Mono picked up the sludge hammer and starts to walk Seven and RG held hands in fear walking behind

Porcelain child: We see you!

Mono kept walking waiting for one to pop out

Porcelain kid: Don't be a party pooper!

One pounces pout on mono and he swings and kills the kid they kept laughing and giggled every second

Porcelain kid: Shh she can hear Youu

Another one pounced at him as he kept swinging it went on the same for 30 seconds till they finally reached six

Six: Help..

Mono smashed the two Porcelain kids that were In the way and helped six down

Mono: are you okay are you hurt?!

RG: c-can we go now!

Seven: were not scared were just cold-

Six rolled her eyes laughing and standing up

Six: I'm fine just startled we can go now

Mono: you sure your okay

Six: yup I'm fine

Mono: okay then..let's go!

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