Izuku vs Goten, Battle of the Super Saiyans

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A few weeks after The U.A entrance Exam Izuku and Goten got their Boxes from U.A, When they Opened their boxes they had discs in both of them

Goten: You should go first Izuku

Izuku: Ok

Izuku put the Disc on his desk and then a hologram of a video appeared

All Might: Ahhh Young Izuku its been awhile!

Izuku and Goten: All Might?!

All Might: You're probably how many points you got; You have atleast 90 points putting you in First place, Welcome to U.A Young Izuku

The Video then Ended, Goten then Put on his video and it was the same except he got 88 points putting him is 2nd place

Izuku: I can't believe it we're going to U.A.....

Izuku and Goten looked back at the 2 boxes and Saw their U.A uniforms

Izuku and Goten💭: So cool........

A few weeks after they got their announcement from All might they were finally going to U.A as ChiChi then Helped Izuku and Goten get ready for thair new school

ChiChi: and make sure to never use your saiyan powers in the school

Goten: Mom..we're going to a hero school, a school where we can use our "Quirks", as long as they assume Our powers are our quirks we don't have to worry

ChiChi: -sigh- ok

Izuku and Goten then Wave good bye and they use Instant Transmission to get to their class

Izuku: Is this the class

Goten: I'm not sure...

Izuku walks up to a blue haired boy

Izuku: Excuse me, Is this Class 1A?

??: Indeed, this is class 1a

Izuku: Great, thanks

Two more people came into the Class Room

Goten: Trunks! Bra!

Trunks: Hey Goten!

Izuku: wow I never thought we'd be in the same class

Eventually everyone was able to get into the class room and they were introduced to their teacher

Aizawa: Hello everyone, I'm Shota Aizawa and I'm going to be your Teacher for this semester

Aizawa starts walking towards the door

Aizawa: put on your PE clothes and meet me out side, And If you're late I will expell you

After that Everyone put on their PE clothes and went out side.

Aizawa: Today you guys are going to be testing out your quirks, and If you fail you will be expelled

Aizawa then walks up to Izuku and Gives him a ball

Aizawa: Since you got the most points in the Entrance Exam you get to throw the ball

Izuku: Uhh Ok..

Izuku then goes to the middle of the field

Bakugou💭: that stupid monkey is gonna fail

Izuku throws the ball up and then goes into Kaioken

Bakugou💭: WHAT THE HELL?!

Izuku: Kaa....mee....haa....mee....

Izuku waits for the ball to get low enough for him to fire a 10x Kamehameha

Izuku: HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Izuku fires a 10x Kamehameha and the ball goes super far, Aizawa checks his stop watch and it says Error

Aizawa: ...Weird

(Ok so here are the results

1st place. Izuku

2nd place. Trunks

3rd place. Goten

4th place. Bra

You can decide for the others)

After the quirk test Aizawa said it was joke and that he sees potential in everyone. The next day of school Class 1A were waiting for their teacher but surprisingly it wasn't Aizawa, It was All might


Everyone: All Might?!

All Might: Hello everyone I'm going to be your teacher, Today we're going to do a Heroes vs Villains but before we do any of that, you all need hero costumes

(If any of you guys don't know what Izuku, Bra, Goten and Trunks' hero costumes look like then go to the hero costumes chapter)

When Everyone was at the Heroes vs Villains course All Might Explained what they're doing

(Unlike in Cannon there will be a team of three instead of Two)

Once All might Was finished Explaining, The first teams were Izuku, Bra and Shinso (Shinso will be in 1-A for this series)  vs Goten, Trunks and Iida. When All Might yelled go the Heroes went inside the building, Meanwhile Iida, Goten and Trunks came up with a plan to win the hero training

Goten: But wait, What if the plan fails

Trunks: Don't worry goten, We have our trump card

Goten: Trump card?.....oh!

Meanwhile Izuku, Bra and Shinso are still looking for the Device until Goten and Trunks appeared

Goten: Trunks! There

Izuku: Crap...Shinso you go on a head, Me and Bra will take it from here

Shinso: Got it!

Shinso then Ran past Goten and Trunks and kept on looking for the device. Goten and Trunks then went into a battle stance as well as Izuku and Bra

(Izuku is Goku and Goten is Gohan)

Izuku then Goes into Super Saiyan as well as Goten and they start fighting


Izuku then Used his tail to his advantage and Wrapped it around Goten's Arm and Used a Ki blast to blind him

Goten💭: Crap

Izuku then charged a Super Kamehameha as Goten also charged a Kamehameha

Izuku: Ka...

Goten: Me...

Izuku: Ha...

Goten: Me...

Izuku and Goten: HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

The Two Kamehameha's merged and The Two Teens struggled against eachother


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