Camp Half Hell

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I'm back! Sorry I didn't update. No I am not in the underworld being judged and then rebirthed. No I did not!

Percy's POV

We stepped out of the portal and the crouch horn blew 3 times signaling an attack. I volunteered because I needed to blow some steam. I mean my wings literally have 1 red left. I saw Hyperion, Kronos and Krios. I decided to talk to them since they were suppose to be on our side. When I landed, I saw that they are actually copies with enhanced powers. I decided to kill them quickly and by 12 minutes and 24 second, I was done. Everyone was watching me and gaping at me with the warriors and Chaos chuckling. "Close your mouths, you'll catch flies." I said. "Did I beat the record?"

"Eh, Let me check." Chaos said and summoned a document. "No, you are about 30 seconds late." At this point, all the campers were still as if we broke them.

"We need to get Apollo out of the way when we talk." Artemis said.

"Hey, I don't interrupt that much!" Apollo said offended.

"I got it." I replied. "AETHER!" I screamed at the sky. 

"Sup lil bro." Aether came down.

"Whose more awesome?" I asked.

"ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Both Aether and Apollo screamed. They then started arguing about whose more awesome.

"Works every time." I mused. The warriors and Chaos chuckled at that because it really works every single freaking time. "Dad, I forgot to bring my dragon for the war!" I told my dad.

"Eh, ask Glacious to bring it." Chaos replied. The campers were gaping at me probably because I am Chao's son and I have a pet dragon.

Glacious, Percy 

Hey Glacious, bring my pet dragon to camp please!

Alright, I'll be there next morning.


"Who are you and why are you here!" SHE yelled.

"Shut up wisdom pawn, we're the warriors of Chaos and we'll introduce ourselves." I said.

"I'm Omega" I said. "That's Alpha, my second in command." I pointed at Luke. "Gem" I pointed at Bianca. "Huntress" I pointed at Zoe. The hunters looked at her weirdly probably thinking if she used to be a hunter or died as a hunter. "And that's Forge and Charm." I said and pointed at Selina and Becknford. "Now we'll join you guys at dinner while dad here is going to explain to you guys the situation." I said while waving my hand and making us a cabin.

"GAHHHH, AETHER COME HERE WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME!" Nyx walked out of the shadow. The campers were staring like all their dead friends came back. "Hello lil bro." Nyx said to me.

"Hello lil sis!" I replied.

"I'M OLDER!" Nyx screamed at me.

"NO, I AM!" I screamed back. At this she summoned a sword made out of pure shadow and came charging at me. I summoned mine and we started fighting. Typical sibling rivalry. Everyone gaped at us because we were literally a blur. The warriors summoned chairs and sat down and watched. After 10 long minutes Aether decided to join in so I summoned another sword and started dual wielding. 

"Come on be soft on us." Aether said.

"I am or you'll be on the floor right now." I said. Aether gulped because that's true. They then called in Gaea, Tartarus, Erebus, Herma, and Ouranos just to team up on me. "AW not fair!" 

"Come on, we lost for like the 12 time in the row last time and you never go soft on us!" Gaea said over our fighting.

"Well I'm going to wipe the floor on you for the 13th time!" I yelled over the hacking, slashing, and dodging.

"Loser pays winner winner 50 Chaos coins each!" Erebus said.

"DEAL!" I yelled and started not going so soft. Within 20 minutes, they all yielded. "Pay up a deal is a deal!" They all payed me 50 chaos coins.

"Well that was eventful!" Chaos said.

"Jeez I just wiped the floor on time for the 13th time!" I said.

"Will you show us your identity?" Someone from cap called.

"Sure if you want it early, go to the arena with your best fighters, if you bring little children to fight, there will be big consequences." I warned. They all nodded. "Then I will put my weakest fighter up there which will be charm and no powers because Charm will probably charm speak you all into yielding which is no fun. You win we reveal and if you lose, we train the campers and we become leader of camp putting and end to whoever put up a tyrant rule." I said.

"We swear upon the river Styx on your terms." She and my son of a b*tch rebirth half brother said.

"So you two are the tyrant rulers, interesting." I mused. "Well we better be going." 

"Lil bro, fight dad, I want to see you getting you butt beat up." Nyx said. At this all the Primordials appeared.

"Seriously, you all want to see  my ass get whipped my dad!?"I yelled at them.

"Of course we want to see. You whipped our asses way too many times!" Pontus said.

"Alright." I said. I snapped my fingers and everyone sat down in the arena. "Someone put up a shield or this whole place is going to be destroyed." I said. The warriors gulped because last time we fought all out without a shield, 3 uninhibited planets got destroyed and half of Chao's planet is trashed. 

"I got it." Gaea said. She put up a force field and se started. We were so fast we were actually almost not seeable except for little blurs. We literally almost drilled into the underworld! After 2 long hours, we decided to stop because we are having dinner.

We walked into the dining pavilion and I waved a hand and there was a gigantic Chao's table. Chaos decided to go because of all the paperwork. We started to eat and people started sacrificing food. We were having a casual conversation when SHE came up and demanded us to sacrifice food to Poseidon and Athena. Me being me said no obviously. She started to attack but a minute too slow because she was wrapped in shadows, earth, water, and all the other stuff. It is basically a burger with her in the middle. The warriors and us were on the ground rolling with laugher. She turned red of embarrassment so she decided to go back before she cause anymore damage to her huge ego.

We started to do rock, paper, and scissor to see who will sacrifice food to Chaos. Alpha being Alpha went to sacrifice the food. The moment he sat back down Chaos appeared. "WHO SACRIFICED ME FOOD?" he yelled. We all pointed fingers at Annab*tch and Noah. Chaos took out what look like perfume and spray it at them. 

"GAHHHHH, IT BURNS!" I screamed.



"GO TAKE A SHOWER!" Gem screamed. They decided to run for the shower stalls and take a shower. 

"No more sacrificing food to me got that?" Chaos told the campers. They gulped and nodded slowly. 

After dinner, we walked back to our place and she tried to pull my hood off. Me being me, Judo flipped her, took off her hat, then pointed a sword at her throat. "What. Are. You. Doing?" I asked slowly, menacingly, and words filled with wisdom enough to kill a cyclope. Athena chose that moment to flash in and try to blast me but forgot that I'm the second most powerful being in the universe. "Watch your so called daughter Wisdom Goddess." I said bitterly with venom and started to let my aura lose. Athena fell onto her knee and Annabeth can't even move! "I'm going for a flight!" I told my team then flew away.

Annabeth's POV

He's definitely strong. Way stronger than every single Olympian combined. Yes a new plan! I will put love and lust potion into his drink then make him fall for me. I will be the 3rd most powerful being in the world and mother will be proud of me!

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