2. humans are weird

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His lips are soft.

You had barely registered what was happening until the dark haired man pulled away, muttering a small "shit," as he buried his face in his hands.

The guy was attractive, having round doe eyes that were color of liquid copper, golden flecks flickered in his eyes as he moaned. His face resembled a sculpture, if the statue of David wanted to look like a fuckboy with black silk locks as hair, it would be this man. His lips were a soft pink, curling inwards as he bit his lip, shaking his head.

You finally realized what he had done, grazing your fingers against your lips, your eyes widened. Why the fuck- 

Before you even finished your thought, your hand made it's way across his face, catching him by surprise, he fell down, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?"

The alien rubbed his cheek painfully as he glared at you, rising to his full height, he's like 7 ft tall, you backed away in fear, why did you smack him Y/N, why would you smack an alien. Fucking fucks, I'm going to die.

The alien simply rolled his eyes, "I told you, I have a human-ed class in," He checked his wrist, "About 1 light, I haven't paid attention to anything."

"That still doesn't explain why you kissed me," You sputtered.

The alien raised it's brow, "You humans kiss... for fun..."

"Y-yes? I guess so?"

"So I kissed you, to see if it was fun or not." The alien said in a matter-of-fact tone, "I wanted to understand how you humans get pleasure from kissing other humans, not to mention the fact that our saliva mixing should pass some of your information to me-"

"That's disgusting." You cringed.

The alien face rolled his eyes, ignoring your statement, "Though... I still do not understand why, it wasn't that pleasurable... not to mention the fact that I did not need that image of that naked scrawny animal in your home."

"How did you-"

"You're such a small creature human, it'll be hard to wrap your little head around it, but my species can get information by mixing saliva." He chuckled once he saw your eyes widen, "It's nothing to be afraid of human, for now I only saw the scrawny naked creature in your bed."


"That's my cat, he's hairless." You muttered, you looked around the room, "Can I go home now?"

"Earth? No." The alien sat in front of the controls, rolling up the glass coverings to show you the space and stars that surrounded the ship. The stars zoomed past you, seeming like nothing more than whispers of light against the darkness, "We're almost at Cheonkook."

"What's Cheonkook?"

"My home."

"I am not going to your house!"

"Well it's either that or you can swim off my ship and choke to death from the lack of oxygen." He didn't even bother to look at you.

"I just wanna go home... Taehyung is probably waiting for me." You pleaded.

"Taehyung is your....court-mate?" The alien finally stared at you, the gold flecks flickering once again.

"What? You mean boyfriend?"

"Your lover, yes, boyfriend?" The alien rolled the word on his tongue, as if he was trying to taste it, "What an odd word."

"Court-mate does not seem any better," You grumbled, "He's my roommate."

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