7. sleepy

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"Why are you still here?!"

"Y/N, I-"

"Taehyung! You were supposed to have gone to earth already! Did you get caught?! Are you okay?! Taehyung??!!! What happened-"

"Human," Jungkook's voice rumbled behind you, "Let Taewoong talk... okay? You're practically drowning him in questions."

You rolled your eyes, "Like you didn't drown me in random questions when you first met me."

"I was curious!"

"You asked me if female humans pooped!"

"Well I wanted to make sure!"

You scoffed, "Yeah cause the female human species decide to eliminate waste by throwing it up."

Taehyung looked between the two of you, "Do... you guys want me to leave?"

"No." Jungkook and you replied in unison to the blue-haired human.

"Like I said I was just curious!"

"Then what about my boobs?! You asked me about my boobs!"

"I already apologized for that! Twice-"

"It's never enough," You sneered.

"How was I supposed to know it's a touchy subject in humanitarian culture?!"

Taehyung looked between the two of you again, "Guys-"


As the pair of you quieted down Yoongi muttered a small thank you.

"You're scary Yoongi." You mumbled.

Yoongi shot you a glare, "I'm only scary when I get mad, I wasn't even mad." His gaze softened, "Plus I can't ever get mad at you Y/N."

You smiled, "Cause I'm your favorite?"

Yoongi chuckled, "Much more than the alien dumb-" You raised a brow, "-os here. Plus you're cute."

"Well I'm offended." Jimin brought over some tea, handing each of you a cup.

Taehyung turned to Jimin, "Do Y/N and the bunny always fight like that?"

"They do." He took a deep sip, "Just wait for a few minutes, they'll start cuddling." As much as Jimin was your favorite alien friend, sometimes he was a nosy bitch.

Taehyung looked at you bewildered, "what-"

You glared at the small alien, "Will not."

"Tell that to the muscle bunny sniffing you."

And indeed Jungkook had his head on your shoulder as he took deep sniffs, he's cute, his body against yours gave you a sense of comfort you've never felt before... It almost felt as if you belonged there... with Jungkook.

You faux glared, "Get off me."

"No." Jungkook whined, "Sleepy."

You rolled your eyes, hoping that Jungkook wouldn't see the small smile that spread across your lips, "You're so annoying."

"Tell that to your obvious smile." Jungkook muttered tiredly, before his eyes fluttered closed, soft snores emitting from his pink mouth.

You grinned at the sight, baby buns was sleepy, you yawned violently, "Let's get to the point, I'm getting sleepy..."

Yoongi and Jimin exchanged nervous glances that went unnoticed by you. Jimin spoke up, "So Taehyung, what brings you to Cheonkook again?"

Taehyung glanced at the 3 aliens amongst you, he took in a sharp breath, "They announced it..."

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