4. you smell delicious

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"Nasty." Jungkook muttered as he pulled away from a dazed Taehyung, "And I thought smol human here tasted bad." He patted your head.

Taehyung's jaw dropped in realization of what had just happened, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?! MY MOUTH IS CONTAMINATED!!!!"



"What's a faucet?" Hoseok asked Namjoon.

"It's a human device where water comes out." Namjoon muttered as he watched Taehyung clutch his face while running around the room.

"I'M CONTAMINTED!!!" Taehyung screeched. "I need to cut my lips off." Taehyung shook in horror.

You rolled your eyes as Taehyung started to rub his lips, "Taehyung... it's just a kiss..."

"B-but..." He whispered, "It tasted disgusting."


"Yes... Tasted worse than your burnt curry." Taehyung started to furiously rub his lips with his shirt.

He tasted like plum candy to me...

"I'm gonna have to cut my lips off, my beautiful lips..." Taehyung wailed.

You rolled your eyes as you searched for Jungkook in his pod. You eyed Jungkook's room, stepping towards it before someone touched your shoulder. Jungkook.

"Don't go in there." Jungkook muttered.

"Why not?"

Jungkook thought for a moment before a wicked smile spread on his pink lips, he stepped squatted down so that he was eye-level with you, "There's some... tools... in there... ones that'll make you moan until the sun rises-"

You pushed him away making him let out a loud chuckle. Pervert. Jungkook smiled as he sat on the couch, it was only when he sat down that he was the same height as you, why is he so freakin tall? 

Jungkook studied your face, the intensity of his gaze making you redden slightly, "You're thinking... about what?"

How did he-

You cleared your throat, "Why was kissing Taehyung so disgusting?"

Jungkook shrugged, "Well, us Cheonkookers kiss based on our bond. The mixing of saliva would tell the other what our bond means."

You thought for a moment, "So like... kissing is a relationship indicator?"

Jungkook nodded, "In a way... yes... But you almost only kiss your mate. Kissing others isn't prohibited, but it is unusual. Heck, kissing your mate in general is unusual. Usually only chosen mates kiss willingly."

You furrowed your brows, "Why is that?!"

Jungkook prodded the inside of his cheek with his tongue, as if he was thinking about if he should tell you or not, "Because... Mates are rare. Chosen mates are very rare, we say that they were chosen by the moon."

Again with the werewolf stuff...

"What's a mate...exactly?"

"Well a mate... is someone you be with for the sake of reproduction, usually  mates are arranged between families. Our population, believe or not, is very small... Children are a gift... a very rare gift, each child... should be treasured...."

You furrowed your brows, "Then what's a chosen mate?"

Jungkook looked into your eyes, the flecks of gold swirling in the honey-colored orbs, "Someone who is made for you, chosen by the moon. They complete you and the bond between the two is unbreakable... even by death..." Jungkook looked away, "Cheonkookers with chosen mates are very lucky."

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