33 | Fruit Or Veggie?

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| 3 Seconds |

     IT'S BEEN TWENTY four hours since I've broke the news that I'm sick to my group

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     IT'S BEEN TWENTY four hours since I've broke the news that I'm sick to my group. After seeing the way they reacted, I have a little more faith in how it will go when I break the news to Braxton.

     I'm still a little shaken up, I'm not gonna lie. But I'll cut myself some slack. This is a stressful thing.

      It doesn't help that I've been steadily feeling worse and worse for the past day. My head feels like it's been crushed and my entire body just feels exhausted. I can't eat without feeling nauseous.

Mom and Dad haven't noticed that I haven't been eating because I've been spending most of my time outside with Gid.

And now, here I am, sitting with Rawlings in his car as he freaks the heck out because he saw Ranger. I guess it all hit him at once this morning, and he started panicking. So he came over and here we are.

"No, Ainsley, you don't understand dude!" Rawlings rushes. "I literally stood next to him. Like in his presence. I saw him."

I sigh and rub my forehead. A migraine was coming on. "Yes, Rawlings. I know you did. I was there."

He stared at me like I was crazy. "Then why aren't you freaking out?"

"Why are you freaking out? It's not like he walked right up and gave you a big 'ole smooch on the lips," I reason.

Just from me mentioning it, Rawlings blushes a deep red. I have to keep myself from laughing at him, since I don't want to embarrass him. It's bad enough he's already freaking out like this.

     Rawlings shifts on my bed to make himself comfortable. He's been restless since he got here. I don't think he even remembers how the crew acted last night when I broke the news because he didn't say a word while we were there, nor did he say a word when we left. It was like he was sleep walking everywhere with us.

     Speaking of which, the group has decided to throw a little nostalgic bash tonight. Except this one will be at my house, since I'm no longer hiding away from everyone.

     I'm sure Gideon will enjoy the attention he'll get from everyone, since I haven't had them over and they all told me how much they miss him.

     "I'm going crazy, Ains." Rawlings runs a hand through his hair.

     "I know."

     He looks over at me and I can see the internal battle he's having with himself. The poor guy is so whipped and he can't even do anything about it. Not to mention, it's technically his fault they broke it off in the first place, but he was just scared. Everyone gets scared at some point, so I'm not going to judge him for it. I don't know what the heck I'd do if I were in his position.

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