Write off-> Their chapter

17 1 2

A shadow loomed over me and the gray landscape as I walked to the building I was searching for. As I looked up I saw the concrete form intrecate designs and vines wrap around the walls forming a well known pattern of age and abandonment.
I quickly moved from my spot, not a single sound to be heard from me as I made my way to the only entrance that possible wasn't seen by the piercing eyes of the guards... The vents.
I crawled my head ducked down, my hands felt every welded line and every imperfection in the metal. The ground felt rough, rust covering some parts, however I payed no mind to it. Suddenly my muscles tensed, I was blinded by light that flashed through the now breaking metal and then- I fell. I quickly turned to my feet and absorbed as much energy as possible, however the fall was too long and I made a loud thud when I hit the ground.
Two of my enemy's henchmen heard my not so smooth landing and acted accordingly, spinning around surprised and attacking me. I grinded my teeth scolding myself for being so careless. Directly after I stood up fully I saw a foot shoot towards me and I felt a sharp pain at my side. "That's it!" I yelled, before I jumped over the two and swiped my foot beneath them. They clumsily fell to the ground even hitten their heads in the process making my job of taking the out easier.
I tied their sleeves together to immobilize them and sprinted away to find what I was looking for. Then I saw it, an seemingly common door, but the inscript told a different story. *secret* it said "bingo!".
Before me I saw a gigantic room, all walls a bare white. The only thing in sight was a podium, decorated neatly with all kinds of golden carvings that shined bright enough that I was able to see them from the door.
I brought out a small sack from my pocket and opened it, seeing the white contents. I took a handful out and blew on it, a cloud of powder spread in the room like a wildfire and revealed any lasers in sight.
But... There were none. "What?" I wispered in disbelief, "there must be other traps" I added. So considering that the floor is most likely trapled I took a step back, before I took all my strength into my legs and ran across the wall. My sight turned to the side and I felt every step I took on the wall. I look around to find anything I might have activated or a camera that might transmit my every move, but there is nothing. My body settled in it's normal upright position as my feet land on the ground shortly infront of the podium.
Carefully I look around for anyone else and than place each digit of my hand on the paper that floatet in it's place. My hand felt cold and shook, scared that the possibly world-changing script would crumble to dust at the slightest gust of wind.
Just then my legs gave out on me and my knees fell to the ground, I stared in disbelief. "What kind of sick joke is this!?" I screamed *best pancake recipe* was written on the paper. I had so many questions. Was my training a lie? What about the ancient language I learned? Does my nemesis even think that I'm a threat?!
My nemesis. I had no other thought, so I stormed out of the room. There were no traps, no guards, no nothing!
I finally found the main room, turning the corner I made my unhappiness very clear "where is the real scroll?!", but... Nothing. "No... No, NO, NO!". frantically I searched for a soul. I passed every wall, every door, every possible place more than once, but even the guards that I took out 15minutes ago are gone.
My mind was plagued with the thoughts of not being worthy from then on and I walked home defeated. Many people of the streets saw me in the open, wich was a violation to the ninja code, but what kind of ninja am I if my enemy doesn't even see me as worthy...
I layed in bed, eyes heavy, but open nonetheless. It took me several hours to finally loose my consciousness from being too tired.

"I finally got it! The skript started to glow, lines of light surrounded me like a swarm of fish and made me stronger. My nemesis already stood at the door "I knew you'd come here, but don't think you've won yet!" His mischievous voice rumbled out. I only smiles as I jumped into the air, directly aiming at his body and the scroll in my hand to aid me in the fight.
However he suddenly lost form and left me extremely confused. Then it dawned on me and I slowly moved my hands infront of my face. The scroll that had granted me the powers then disintegrated, with the walls around me. I was left exposed to the laughing faces of the public, each covered by a shadow that disabled me from distinguishing them from one another. "Wait! Listen to me! I'm still worthy!" I tried to scream, though my voice was barely heard as it was drowned out by the laughter.

"Stoooop!" I shot up, it was cold and wet beneath me. "Ughh I'm all sticky" I stood up to change and then remembered the horrendous nightmare. And the next day it happened again and the next and the next and and and. Everytime it's the same, but everytime new silhouettes appeared.
So now, I am standing in my kitchen with this blasted recipe to finally get my mind to calm. At least the full moon helps soothe my ringing ears. I get out all the ingredients that I could possible need and start reading the recipe. "I can't see shit" I curse out, since I refused to turn on the light.
However the moonlight came to my rescue and made the words readable, no, it made other words that are otherwise hidden visible. Was this, the ancient language? My curiosity got the better of me and I started reading aloud what I saw "those who read this forbidden script aloud shall be cursed for eternity"... "What!?" I frantically looked around even though it seemed quiet and then I saw it, a silhouette forming out of the paper a demonic grin on it's black face.
I was frozen, neither fight nor flight reflex kicking in. The silhouette suddenly swooped at me and my fear finally released my muscles. In the little time I had I did the only plausible thing, grabbing a knife and throwing it at the threat. Yet it did nothing, it merely phased through it, like a ghost it now haunted me.
Only a cloud of dust was left on my previous location as I sprinted onto the night streets. The moon still shined mesmerizingly, but I had a mission- to.run.from.that.thing. my legs carried me high above the ground, my learned skills were used to hop on the rooftops of the sleeping houses. No lights could be seen and neither were any common humans. The world for once seemed black and white, like life dissapeared from the planet and I hope mine wouldn't dissapear next.
Those efforts seemed to be in vain however as I tragically tripped and ripped open my clothing. The ghost only took advantage and fused with my body. It burned, it felt like a spreading depression and it wasn't painless. "Give in, it'll be faster that way" the voice rang ever so loudly in my head. In a way it was right... I had nothing to live for... I relaxed and felt the oh so well know salty fluid flow down my face.
"NO!" I screamed focussing my will to force the I'll spirit out of my body. "I won't throw away my hard work for you!" I yelled before taking of again. The moment I relexed gave me enough strength to carry on running and I knew where to go.
Determination caught in my chest as I turned left sharply, following the way the moon lead. I trembled in fear as an animalistic screech reached my ears, it was so very close. And my destination as well, the building I trained so many years at slowly entered my sight.
I only had to jump down this building, land safely on the ground and run to my teacher. So I did, I jumped. My eyes ripped open, too late to react to the obstacle infront of me. A piercing pain decorated my lower abdomen and I spit blood. The ghost only grinned menacingly and slowly made it's way infront of my face to relish the despair in my eyes, like a dessert, like the pancakes I would've made.
I tried to speak up, but only gargled up pained cries as my vision started to blur. "Soory dear, looks like I've won this battle or rather... This war" he whispered and finally revealed his form. Before me was not a shadow anymore, but a tall man with a dark blue suit and black hair that stared into my eyes. My nemesis.
I got one last pump of adrenaline from this, keeping me alive long enough to hear his demonic chuckle, before slipping away into the world of unknown.

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