MeetUp - Full version

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(Via request/wish I will write a whole oneshot about the last part of the last chapter. The requester is @sun_002 . They are a friend of mine so if you're disrespectful I'll.. I dunno ban you and your goldfish I guess. Onto the damn oneshot XD)

The people in this chapter are me and my real life friends. If you got a problem with that.. Bye i guess.
Also that person and myself will be the only ones referred to personally. The others are referred to as their common cosplay characters names.

PoV: Friggin It's me. Myself. Author-chan. Hi..

As I looked out of the window, the music from my headphones so loud I could barely think and the scenery rushing past so fast I couldn't make out any details, I started wondering how long this train ride would go on, so I checked my phone.
I lazily pulled it out of my backpack and checked the time, realizing that I only had fifteen minutes left.
That is if the train didn't build up even more delay than it already had.
While I put my phone back in it's place I started to think about their reactions once they would see me at the station..
To say that I was nervous was an incredible understatement.
I was panicking.
With a sigh escaping my lips I trained my eyes onto the horizon to get the sick feeling out of my stomach.
I hated trains so friggin much..
I got sick everytime..
Even carrides were better and I actually had to vomit on one of those before..
At least there's way less people on a carride than on a train.
I could feel the stares in the back of my neck, the hairs on my arms standing up since I entered the stupid train.
I should have just dressed comparatively normal for once. Maybe then I wouldn't have gotten as many stares as I did right that moment.
I noticed the scenery change.
Buildings started to mix into the trees and greenery until I saw almost nothing else but the tracks next to our train and the buildings next to those tracks.
Looking up I saw the sign jump to the stop I would have to exit from.
As the train started to slow down I stood up, grabbed my backpack and swung it onto my shoulder.
I let out a quiet laugh as the song I was listening to changed to "Shut up and Drive" by Rihanna.
Suddenly I could see the main station come closer and immediately averted my eyes from the window.
I wasn't ready to see if they were at the station or not.
Even though I was aware of the stupidity of it, there was still a tiny voice in the back of my mind that kept telling me that they wouldn't be there. That they had ran and were rather hanging out without me.
Shaking my head to get rid of these thoughts I stepped into the group of people that all wanted to exit at the same stop as me.
The people stood so close together that I wished I had remained seated until the train actually stopped.
Just then the train came to a halt and I almost forgot to breathe.
Suddenly my nerves were back to making me panic.
It was as if everything was to much.
Turning down the music I exited as quickly as I could, lowering my gaze to not trip and fall over the step.
As soon as my feet were on the save ground of the station I hurried to step aside so I wasn't in the way anymore.
I couldn't stop myself from letting my eyes glaze over the mass of people standing everywhere around me.
So many people.. Everywhere.. So close to me..
I violently shook my head and brushed my freshly colored hair back out of my eyes.
I decided against buying a wig and just colored my hair black as I liked the color anyways.
Another sigh escaped my lips as I couldn't see the people I was looking for.
Calm.. You can look again once the majority of people is out of the way. Just breathe.
I had to keep repeating these words in my mind like a mantra to stay as calm as possible, not wanting to let anybody notice my nervous state.
A few minutes later and most of the station was empty so I decided to look again.
Standing in a good visible spot I spun around to first check the side of the station that was on my left.
Before I could turn around I felt somebody crash into my back full speed, their arms wrapping around my torso, trapping my arms at my sides effectively. With wide eyes I barely managed to catch me and the person clinging to me from falling to the hard concrete floor.
The surprised noise that left my mouth was rather squeaky and I must say that I wasn't proud of it.
The chuckling of multiple voices ripped me out of my thoughts rather quickly.
As soon as the person let go of me I spun around, just to come face to face with my attacker-.. uh.. my friends.
A calm chuckle escaped my mouth as I watched them bounce up and down infront of me, reminding me of a small puppy.
So I did the only intelligent thing.. I reached out my hand and pat their head while gasping at the incredible softness of their hair.
The laughter of the others caused me to get out of my impulsive act of patting my friends head.
As I pulled back my hand I grabbed the black mask I was wearing and pulled it beneath my chin so they could see my stupidly smiling face.
As soon as they saw my smile, however I was tackled in a hug agin, this time not being lucky enough to regain balance so we landed on the concrete floor.
However I had enough reaction time to stop the fall from crushing their arms beneath my back, as I stuck out my elbows behind me, a hiss leaving my mouth as I caught the force of the fall with my elbows and arse so they didn't get hurt.
Despite the fall I still had to chuckle at the excited muttering of my brown haired friend hugging me like their live depended on it.

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