BNHA x Reader

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This one is a Bnha x Reader Oneshot.
Bonus: You are Hawks' little sibling.
Now onto the chapter.
Btw: I was listening to the arcade soundtrack while writing this, more specifically the songs "Snakes", "Misfit toys" and "Playground" so if you want you can listen too. Snakes fits fightscenes very well:)

PoV: Reader-Chan

I was late to class.. Well I wasn't actually late, I was still five minutes early, but that was enough to get lectured by our class representative that I should have been more on time.
After his lecture was over I finally sat down in my seat next to Shoto.

I knew him even before UA for a while because of my brother and his father being such high ranking heroes so I was allowed to use his first name.
Within the first few days that caused confusion as I was the only one Shoto bothered answering at least in a partially nice way.
Now that he had a few more friends that changed of course.
My train of thought got cut short as Aizawa-Sensei entered through the door.
Today would be the sports festival.
After a few instructions we all went and got changed into our sports uniforms before being sent into a room to wait.
I could hear the crowd in the stadium screaming.
They were so loud and so many that my hands started shaking.
I grabbed onto Shotos arm who stood to my right, my grip so shaky that it was incredibly loose.
As he noticed this he leaned down to whisper to me.

"Calm Y/N.. You will do very good. I am looking foreward to see you give your all."
At his attempt to calm me a little laugh escaped my throat.

"Shoto, you're my best friend, but you're absolute shit at calming people down."
We both let out a small huffed laugh.

"Well but you stopped shalking didn't you?" he whispered back before standing up properly again, my hand slipping off his arm as I stuffed my hands into my pockets.

"Touche." I chuckled and looked up just in time for our class to be announced.
As soon as we were announced we walked out into the stadium, followed by the other classes.
I tried to keep my eyes away from the cameras. The people in the stadium were nerve wrecking enough. No need to think about the people watching through the TV as well.
Snapping my attention back to the speech being given I rolled my eyes as Bakugo was called up onto the stage.
Like I expected his 'speech' was very arrogant, however I was not one of the students that loudly booed at him.
I had taken to mostly ignoring his angry episodes. so almost all the time to be honest.
The next part of the speech caught my attention.

"The first part will be.. AN OBSTACLE COURSE!!"

Great.. just great..
As we all stood at the start line I tried to push myself to the back of the mass of people, already forming a plan to get through the tight tunnel without being squashed.
As soon as the game started everybody started running and shoving each other around.
So I waited and smirked to myself.
After a few moments of watching the chaos I decided to get a move on.
I jumped onto a random students shoulder and started jumping from shoulder to shoulder across the mass of students shoving.
I was fast enough that, as soon as I jumped off the last person and was out of the tunnel, I sa Shoto freeze the giant robots.
Interesting.. so this is what the other students fought in the entrance exam..?
Because I knew Shoto I had to laugh as some students tried to run through the frozen robots.
RIght as he called out that he froze the robots at an angle, they fell, squashing two students underneath.
I didn't take the time to wait and see if they were ok as I saw that one of them was Kirishima.
He would protect the other student.
I instead jumped onto the falled robot much like I did with the students shoulders before.
Huffing out I ran up and jumped onto one of the other robots.
I used it's height and jumped off it onto a smaller one.
the last robot was brought down by my classmate Kaminari so the fall as I jumped off it to the ground wasn't too bad.
I rolled off the force of the fall and used the left over force to switch right into a sprint.
As I ran as fast as possible I noticed, that I was between the front and middle of the amount of students.
If I wanted to win I would have to start using my quirk sooner or later..
Just as I thought that I caught up with the students at the front that slowed down for a moment.
Looking past them I saw a giant hole, maybe even ravine, in the ground.
Shoto decided to skate with his ice over one of the ropes while some other students found their own ways.
I sighed and stopped right at the edge, looking down.
If I wanted to get over I would need to fly..
I stood back a step and took the jacket of my uniform off, underneath a white shirt that was open in the back.
Doing my best to ignore the loud screams as Mic brought attention to what I was doing I spun around and stared right at the crowd.
A smirk spreading on my lips as I salute while letting myself fall off the edge into the ravine.
Scared and shocked screams rang out as I fell and I just laughed loudly, the sound echoing in the ravine so the staium could hear it.
After a moment of enjoying the feeling of free falling I spread out my arms at the same time as I used my quirk to catch myself.
Suddenly huge wings burst out of my back, looking similar to my brothers but a deep black with only the tips being the red color his wings have.
My wingspan was also slightly wider.
Spinning around midair I spread my wings and got thrown up by the air resistance.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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