5: Strange Dreams

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Zorome was physically exhausted from trekking back and forth from the lake to the dorms with heavy buckets of water. The first thing he did was head over to one of the couches in the lounge and flop down on it, letting out a loud groan. He stretched for a moment before yawning and turning over onto his side, allowing his mind to lull him into a deep sleep.

Zorome walked through the hallway, feeling off, and realized that he was in the girls' wing, not the boys'. He blushed when he realized this and wondered what had gotten into him and why he was there. He couldn't remember deciding to walk there in the first place. Come to think of it, the sandy-haired boy had no idea why he was there and if there was any purpose to him being there. He turned to walk away, only to bump into someone a few seconds later.

"M-Miku!" Zorome yelped, stumbling backward and falling onto the floor with a thud. The red-haired girl was standing there with her hands on her hips, glaring down at him.

"What are you doing on the girls' wing?!" Miku demanded sharply. "Were you spying on us, Zorome?" Before he could respond to defend himself, she scowled and continued talking. "Ugh! You're such a pervert, Zorome!" 

"S-Sorry!" Zorome cried, his cheeks flushing hotly. He stumbled onto his feet again, only to fall forward and land on Miku, knocking her backward onto the floor. His lips pressed against her cheek as he landed on top of her. He let out a cry of dismay and scrambled off of her. 

"I'm sorry!" Zorome gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. Miku stood up and brushed herself off. Though to Zorome's surprise, she didn't look mad. In fact, she looked startled. Pleasantly startled!

"That...actually felt nice," Miku said, touching cheek gently with her fingertips, the spot where Zorome's lips had touched her. A faint rosy-pink color rose into her cheeks. She giggled and walked toward Zorome, who backed away from her only to feel his back bump into the wall behind him. Miku planted her hands on either side of them, pressing her palms against the wall. "Do it again, please." She whispered, her voice soft and seductive. 

Zorome's face was hot with embarrassment and something else. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest as he gazed into Miku's blue-green eyes. 

"Do it," She repeated herself. "Again."

Zorome took a deep breath and pressed his lips against Miku's left cheek...

"Zorome, wake up!" An angry voice snapped him out of his deep sleep and he sat up with a startled gasp. Miku was standing beside the couch with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Kokoro and Ikuno were standing behind her. 

"Ack! What do you want?" Zorome demanded in a harsh voice. His heart was still pounding from his dream while his mind was spinning with confused thoughts. 

"Have you been sleeping here all day?" Miku asked him. "I didn't realize you were that lazy!"

Zorome felt defensive, though not just about the fact he had been sleeping on the couch. "Well, I spent the entire morning dragging those heavy-ass buckets of water back and forth." He retorted. "All you did was go bathe in the lake."

"That's not true!" Miku protested. "I helped do laundry after I was done bathing!" 

"Guys, calm down," Kokoro said nervously, stepping in between Miku and Zorome with a shy smile on her face. "It's alright if he fell asleep. He worked hard this morning. He has a right to sleep, right?" 

"Exactly!" Zorome nodded. "Thanks, Kokoro."

Zorome was wide awake now, his mind reeling from the events of his dream. He was trying to shake it off but he realized he couldn't look Miku in the eyes. 

Do I...do I feel like she's my 'darling' or whatever? He wondered. 

"It's dinner time now," Miku told him. "Come on, let's go eat!" She began to cheerfully skip away. Kokoro followed her and so did Ikuno, though not after giving Zorome an amused look. After a few moments, Zorome slowly walked after them. 

Nah, it was just a dream. It probably doesn't mean jack shit! Zorome decided. Though he wasn't sure if he meant what he was thinking.


After dinner and some bantering, it was time for the squad to go to bed. Zorome wasn't too tired, considering he had slept on the couch for a good chunk of the day. Still, he was happy to be relieved of any duties until the next day. He lay on his back on top of the covers and stared up at the ceiling, deciding it was too hot for him to sleep with a blanket over his body. 

The other boys fell asleep almost instantly and the room was soon full of Futoshi's snores and Hiro's sleeptalking. 

I wonder what they dream about...do they dream about that mushy crap too? Probably. Their dreams are probably way more mushier and gross than the one I had before! Zorome blanched.

After a while of lying there wondering once more if he felt the same way Hiro did about Zero Two, Zorome fell asleep. 

Zorome stood and watched as Miku and Kokoro played volleyball together. They were at the beach, the same place they had gone when Squad 13 had been given their special vacation not too long ago. As Zorome looked around, he realized that he couldn't see anyone else besides the two girls. He walked away from where he was standing and looked every which way but saw nobody aside from Miku and Kokoro.

"Futoshi?" Zorome called. "Hiro? Hey, where are you guys?" He put his hands on his hips. Is this some kind of dumb prank? I hope they're not doing something super awesome without me! 

When he turned back, he was surprised to see that Miku was standing all alone now. Kokoro was nowhere to be seen. Confused, he looked for the pale-haired girl. He had only been looking away for a few seconds...

"Zorome!" Miku ran toward him, the volleyball tucked at her side with her right arm. She waved to him with her left arm and smiled happily. 

"Miku," Zorome was relieved that she was still there. "Where did everyone go?"

Miku smiled at him. "They left me and you alone to play ball together. I know you like playing ball! Would you like to?" She asked. She was blushing as she spoke, looking very cute and almost...shy. The bikini she was wearing showed off her midriff, which Zorome couldn't help but stare at.

"Yeah, okay," Zorome replied distractedly, his face flushing as he gazed at Miku's exposed skin.

"Pervert!" Miku giggled at him, not nearly as mad as she normally would be. "Come, you can stare at my butt all you want while we play..."

That was when Zorome woke up. 

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