The next test was a long distance run, it was a test of the endurance the students have and while it should have technically been the last, well the students didn't have to know that Aizawa was making it hard for them.
It was taken in turns of 4 people at a time so the track wouldn't be bunched up with people in the beginning. Unsurprisingly, Yaoyorozu made roller skates and Iida just ran, both of them getting high scores already. Sato did well too, along with Koda, which surprised everyone considering Sato hadn't had any sugar like he did with the grip test and Koda hadn't even said anything.
However, the most impressive scorer was Midoriya. He had been doing well already, but this was obnoxious. He ran the track 4 more times than Yaoyorozu and Iida did each (14, she was tired of skating and Iida was having engine issues). No one had noticed that he was doing so well because he was one of the first people to start and hadn't been going that fast, actually he was barely jogging. He only stopped once he was the last to stay on the track.
The standing long jump. Aizawa himself always despised having to do this one, he hadn't been that muscular when he was a first and second year and would usually do poorly.
Bakugou and Aoyama were among the few that actually cleared the sandbox, the only others being Yaoyorozu after making a pogo stick, Tsuyu after a few small warm up jumps, and Midoriya.
Of course Midoriya cleared it.
Midoriya Izuku, Problem Child #1, the green haired student Nezu was watching, the kid Aizawa oh-so-desperately wanted to see do the endurance run again, cleared the sandbox. The quirkless kid cleared the sandbox . Don't get Aizawa wrong, he's always respected quirkless people who put their status behind them, but Midoriya was... different. He's a good kid, but he was used to doctoring his test results and was surely doing it now.
He flipped over it too. The whole 6 metre sandbox. And no one saw it. Everyone else was sitting on the benches by the water, totally ignoring whoever was testing, "to give them privacy" they said when Yaoyorozu asked for it when she made the pogo stick.
What the heck problem child.
Once that was done it was the seated toe touch, the student being separated into three basic groups, flexible, can touch their toes but that's it, and can't touch their toes. Mina, Midoriya, Todoroki, Sero and Hagakure made up the flexible group, Bakugou just barely not managing to reach further than his toe.
Aizawa was merciful in giving them sit ups last, it was the last thing they had to do before leaving early for the day. He wasn't a monster as much as they complained, getting shut up with a knife-sharp glare, he wanted to talk with Nezu as quickly as possible and then take a nap. Of course, with Midoriya's scores so far that chat won't be as short as he hoped it would be.
Deadpan, looking across the sea of sweating teenagers in the heat, he praised them, "Congratulations, you've made it to the last test."
Mina and Kaminari were the first to react, Mina yelling "What? Finally, I'm dying in this sun!" With Kaminari joining in with an excited, "Yesss!!!"
Sato joined them, "I can't WAIT to go home and take a shower."
The class shut up with another sharp glare. "But since there are 19 of you someone gets to do them with me."
The previous glare didn't shut them up evidently, Shoji's soul having quietly left his body as he paled like everyone else around him.
"Midoriya, you'll be with me, everyone else partner up." He didn't just pick Midoriya to have a chance to talk to him alone, or because Nezu was watching. Midoriya was the only one who didn't pale at the idea that the "super mean strict teacher" (Mina's words, not his) would be partnering with someone, presumably to tell them how poorly they were doing.
Once everyone was partnered up, people started their sit ups, Aizawa rested his legs on Midoriya's feet to weigh them down and soon Midoriya set a comfortable pace for the test.
"Midoriya." The kid looked up to him, continuing with the pace. "I want you to retake this tomorrow after school." Midoriya faltered in his pattern but soon corrected himself. "You are a long distance runner, but were pretty slow in the endurance run." Problem Child #1 step abruptly, looked him dead in the eyes and continued the exercise.
"I guess I haven't... been going very "Plus Ultra" like you expected."
Shota didn't want to have to walk all the way to the office he was expected at. His boss, a genius chimera who had a time table was expecting him about now but he really didn't want to have to talk to him about the Problem Child who was proving to be an enigma.
Sighing, he put the folders of each of the results to the side and stood up, heading to the door. Problem Child #1 had gotten 3rd place, causing Problem Child #2 to increase the divine hatred (thx RandomAssRaven) in his eyes all the way. If it hadn't been for Shota silently warning him, he probably would have attacked the kid.
Somehow Shota made it to the door of the office whilst deep in thought, it was already open, the sweet smell of tea wafting towards him.
"Ah, Aizawa, would you like any? I just made some." Nezu called from the mini kitchen in the corner of his office.
The taller man shook his head, "No, I'll have coffee after."
Sitting down, Nezu started the conversation, "Midoriya is quite the student." Aizawa nodded, not really being able to add anything to the statement. Nezu continued, "He doctored his own test results, and even when he didn't do his hardest, he still managed 3rd place and managed to anger Bakugou even more."
The last statement made Shota think, "Do you know why Bakugou hates him so much?"
"Actually, I might have figured out why, or at least one of the contributors to it." Shota was silent, letting him continue. "Bakugou bullied Midoriya for several years, I just went back as far as primary school but even then it had obviously been going on for a while, but I also looked a bit into their earliest records and they had apparently been quite close."
"So Bakugou bullied him because he's quirkless and he doesn't like that Midoriya made it into UA?"

The Last || My Hero Academia X Demon Slayer
FanfictionEveryone knows Midoriya Izuku is weird. If it's his mysterious choice to move up north for his last two years in middle school, or his weird way of reaching for his hip when he gets spooked, everyone just knows he's kinda weird. Crossposted on ao3