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He knew something was wrong, he knew it was a bad idea staying with Principal Nedzu and listening to what he had to say about teaching, but he and now what? Now there are villains at the USJ and he wasn't there. Who knew what kind of situation he would find! How long ago did Young Iida leave? No, he didn't mention it. Damn you Yagi, you should have clarified more.

Finally, he saw the dome. It wasn't damaged at least, but that only meant there could be bloodshed inside and damn, there are kids in there. Though, if there was any benefit to this, he would at least be testing his suit, a support company had designed it so that it would work as a hero suit too.

Slamming the door open, it blasted off its hinges, narrowly missing Young Sato. Damn it Yagi, you could have just opened it normally- oh god. Thirteen, the rescue hero 1A was supposed to be doing rescue training with, had the whole backing of their costume torn off. Young Yaoyorozu and Shoji were attempting to patch them up best they could but- Aizawa was slumped over Young Asui, who was probably seconds away from a panic attack and not letting Young Sato check their teacher over.

Once they saw the abnormally tall teacher, Sato ran over to him, rambling about "Tsu somehow got out of the water zone- she needs help- you need to tell her to let us check Aizawa-sensei-"

Though it appeared his appearance calmed the panicked girl, as she appeared to have snapped out of a haze and set her teacher down, calling her classmate over for help. From the small glimpse he caught, he almost lost the tea Nedzu had him gulp down. The man had visible muscles, the skin that was supposed to be covering it gone.

Forcing himself to look down at the plaza, he was surprised by what was going on. A... hand man(?) was yelling at a huge beheaded corpse about not following his orders and "what the hell happened? You notice this STUPID NPC and just chase after him? What the hell" and the quirkless kid, Young Midoriya, holding a slightly bloodied sword, standing his ground, staring at the... man-child(?) totally calm and he appeared to be in control of the situation.

So when he instinctively yelled "I AM HERE" and not only pried the attention to himself, he knew he messed up, again, when the mist man used Young Midoriya's barely-there moment of surprise to attack him. All Might has jumped down, landing just behind the swordsman and when he heard a faint "Seventh form: Piercing Raindrop" and the boy thrusted his sword forward, hitting the neck brace the mist figure apparently had.

Sliding the brace down, he placed his foot on it, keeping his sword pointed towards the metal plate. And once he did that, he turned to look at the teacher, his eyes an acid green. The hand man, throughout this was simply staring at the trapped man. "What the heck? An NPC shouldn't be able to take down Nomu and Kurogiri! Who are you?"

And after hearing the question, Young Midoriya's gaze turned apologetic and sad, softly answering "I'm the last." Confused, All Might glanced at his student, who no matter how strong an untouchable he seemed to be, only to see a lone tear travel down his cheek and more threatening to come.

Toshinori ignored the outcry of "What the heck, that's not an answer" instead deciding to look as intimidating as he could while the hand villain was relatively distracted, really just an effort to conserve time and not have to move so much. A few minutes passed, the villain still ranting, Young Midoriya staring him down again.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA, MY BOY," he missed the flinch and sudden turn of his neck to face the man, "RETURN THE OTHE FRONT ENTRANCE AND HELP YOUR CLASSMATES PATCH UP THIRTEEN AND AIZAWA."

The boy in question gave him a deadpan face, not believing his teacher actually wanted him to just leave, ignoring the fact that he had captured a villain, one of the main ones in fact.

"IF HE MOVES I WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM." His eyes flashing a dangerous blue to the trapped villain, the student reluctantly stepped off, lifting "Kurogiri" by the neck brace and handing it to his teacher.

"I'm not stupid. I'll help them, but you can't let him get loose, he has a teleportation quirk. The other one has a five point disintegration quirk." he murmured, starting to walk away.

"What the heck! You can't just leave! I have to kill you first!" The hand villain, now dubbed the disintegration villain, ran towards the hero in training.

Fortunately, or not, depending on how you look at it, All Might had grabbed the boy and nearly threw him to the small group of students and his teachers, while also dodging the villain himself.

He was still put off by the beheaded "Nomu" but it was the least of his worries, at least for now. Unfortunately, during the quick movement he let go of Kurogiri, who escaped his firm grasp.

Now he was busy trying to dodge two incredibly quick villains until two thankful shots blasted through the air. The hand villain, who Kurogiri had called Shigaraki in an attempt to calm him down, fell, two gunshot wounds landing in his thigh and shoulder.

All Might didn't pay attention to the principal's announcement of "the cavalry has arrived!" instead paying attention to Shigaraki's words as the mist enveloped him. Words that, no matter what happens to the man child, will echo through his head for years to come until he eventually has to slow down and pass on.

"And Nomu had a bunch of cool quirks too. Midoriya huh, cool name."

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