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The next day of school Ochoco Uraraka walked the distance from her family's apartment to the train station. Her parents tried their best to be around as much as they could, but since there wasn't much work they were constantly trying to find something to do. Last night her parents had been talking about some construction they were hired to do, and they were so happy to tell her that the people who hired them asked for some more work after the current job.

Of course she was elated to hear that,but her parents had to leave early in the morning, an hour before herself. Thinking back to the previous day, she thought about the quirk apprehension tests.

She had scored relatively high, between the infinity ball throw and the muscles she had gained with her parents she had a bit of a head start from everyone else. In the locker rooms she had gotten to know the other girls a bit better, after Mineta had been expelled and the tests there had been a small celebration. Tsuyu, or Tsu as she preferred, had become fast friends with her and they bonded over the other girl's adorable younger siblings. Tsu had congratulated her for making it to UA and they promised to always help each other, no matter what.

Uraraka volunteered to help babysit if Tsu ever needed it, the other girls joining her. After Tsu had stopped crying they walked out together, trading numbers and promises.

Once she made it to the school and navigated through the small crowd of reporters who wanted to know what the new students were like with Hakagure, they took a moment to realize just how big it was.

"I thought it was big on the first day, but Aizawa-sensei must have said something because now it seems bigger." Hagakure remarked.

Uraraka nodded, "Yeah, now we have to work to stay here."

When they made it to the classroom there were only a few kids there, the angry kid, the fast kid, and... the kid she threw the ball for, with green hair. The boy was taking a notebook out of his bag with a pencil. Deciding to introduce herself, she power-walked over to him, trying to find the courage to, frankly, talk to a kid that pretty.

"Hi! I'm Ochoco Uraraka." She stuck her hand out, "It was kinda cool how you found a way around the tests, didn't you do really well?"

He took her hand after a moment of hesitation, nodding. "Midoriya Izuku. Thanks for helping me with the ball throw. Yeah, I did pretty well. 3rd place and all." He pulled his hand back, grabbing his pencil. "Hey, um, what's your quirk?"

Uraraka paused for a second before replying. "Oh yeah, we should know our friend's quirks!" Midoriya froze before nodding again. "It's called Zero Gravity, I can make things weightless when I touch them with all five fingers."

He wrote it down in the margins of the notebook for English. "You can't just remove something's gravity though." He remarked, not noticing her shocked face.

"Uh... huh. What's your quirk?"

Interrupting, the hobo-looking man put a stop to their conversation. "If you're here to make friends you can go home."


The rest of the morning went by relatively uneventfully, the teachers were mostly doing some introductions and then a review of what they will be covering in the class. There would be optional electives as second years that they could work towards, but nothing was fun until lunch.

The girls sat together, a few boys refused to let the angry boy be alone, and the rest mostly sat together. There were two kids that Uraraka noticed sitting together, away from everyone else.

Midoriya and the boy with two-colored hair sat together.

Not once during lunch did she notice them talk to each other, they just ate noodles together and finished some "All About Me" assignments for tomorrow.

The girls had a blast together though, Mina and Yaomomo were making plans for a girls night, Tsu and Hagakure were talking music with Jiro while Uraraka herself would listen to both conversations.

Suddenly the bell rang, students everywhere rushing to put the plates away and go to their next class. 1-A quickly walked to their classroom, Fundamental Heroics being too exciting for them to want to be late.

They all sat at their desks and waited. And waited. And waited for their teacher to come through the doorway. Eventually they started guessing who the teacher could be. The said teacher was almost ten minutes late before a booming voice from the other side of the doorway echoed.

"I AM HERE, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" Almost everyone cheered, Uraraka noticed Midoriya scooting down his chair out of the corner of her eye, but was too wrapped up in the moment to even give him a glance.

He wasn't wearing his usual costume, deciding to go old school. It looked like he hadn't changed an inch from the last time he wore it. He walked, frankly like a robot, to the podium before making another announcement (even though he can't do anything other than announcements.)

"TODAY WE'RE DOING... INDOOR BATTLE TRIALS!" All Might announced, not bothering to introduce himself. "AND FOR THAT, YOU'LL NEED THESE!" He pressed a button, the wall expanding into shelves with their costume cases. "PUT THEM ON AND WE'LL MEET UP AT GROUND BETA FOR MORE EXPLANATION!" He then left the room and students rushed to their case.


Stepping out of the locker room with the girls, she felt the tight-fitting fabric and adjusted her bracelets. While they were changing, the other girls had already started figuring out what they wanted changed, Uraraka wanted something looser, Yaomomo wanted some pants, Hagakure was wondering if she really had to be naked.

Overall, they looked good (and over-sexualized) and were pretty happy with their costumes.

When they reached the building they were supposed to meet at, some of the boys were already there. More accurately, Todoroki and Midoriya. Todoroki looked kinda scary, ice covering half his body with a red glowing eye. Jiro voiced this, but the boy simply turned away, looking at the monitors showing the security.

Midoriya however, had a totally different look. He looked like he came out of a traditional painting with his split haori and zōri sandals. On the right half of his haori was a blue sky and cloud patterns (guess who) and his left side was covered in a plain dark purple. Under that was layers, a dark gakuran jacket, a white belt, baggy pants that extend into tabi socks, a pair of zōri with red straps, and odd bands of white cloth wrapped tightly around his calves (Demon Slayer uniform).

Looking over the girl's costumes he too turned to the monitors, awaiting All Might to come



After the fast boy, Iida, interrupted and Yaomomo explained that heroes don't get to determine their teams, All Might selected the teams.

Todoroki Shoto & Tsuyu Asui vs Shoji Mezo & Tokoyami Fumikage

Aoyama Yuga & Ashido Mina vs Kaminari Denki & Jiro Kyoka

Ojiro Mashirao & Hakagure Tooru vs Yaoyorozu Momo & Iida Tenya

Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta vs Sato Rikido & Koda Koji

Midoriya Izuku vs Uraraka Ochako & Bakugo Katsuki

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