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Throughout the past 2 weeks I have done a terrible job of preparing for the Sports Festival. Playing board games with mom and Shoto-kun had been fun, but the only other thing I had done was find a deserted warehouse and try combining Breathing Forms with my father's old sword, which didn't even work that well for me (or so Urokodaki said, I don't know otherwise as I don't have a sword of my own). I had spent two weeks eating, sleeping, and swinging a sword around (more or less, I did do some workouts, but due to being restrained to a warehouse I couldn't do much more than that).

Aside from giving some homeless people money and reporting sixteen drug deals to some degree (spanning from calling the police because something suspicious was happening to knocking them out because they actually went into the building), there wasn't very much excitement. The gyms wouldn't let me train at them due to my quirklessness, and I didn't want to practice my breathing at UA. I had also been told to wait to take my Quirk Apprehension test because Aizawa-sensei was still healing and I was supposed to be preparing anyway.

And then when I was fighting Shoto-kun did I realize what an opportunity I had let slip from my hands. I wasn't prepared to fight against such a strong opponent. His quirk was difficult for me to predict (likely due to the fact that I haven't done any quirk analysis since I came back, but that's a problem for later) and I had panicked, only coming up with the plan to force him to exhaustion via using his fire.

Anyways, the Sports Festival.

Kirishima vs Yaoyorozu: Kirishima won only because he had more muscle than her and could push her out of bounds. She also didn't have enough fat for her to use her quirk for anything more than a small shield.

Tokoyami vs Iida: Iida won if only due to the brightness of the flames coming out of his engines. Tokoyami had a high chance of winning if he had used Dark Shadow to stay on the ground and not let Iida get a head start by running at him after Iida had clearly expected the other to rush him. An odd battle, filled with a large amount of "Are you going to rush me now or what" going on.

Shiozaki vs Bakugou: Bakugou, easy win. Blasting away the vines, he blasted her hard enough in one hit she fell unconscious. Pity, she should have gone under him via the ground, but I suppose he hasn't changed that much to give her the time to.

Myself vs Iida: In the end, I was surprised I won the round against him. I barely dodged many of his hits and I ended up with a large bruise on my chest from a kick he landed while I was off balance. He used his Recipro Burst to land the kick and then his engines stalled, allowing me ample time to put him in a sleeper hold (something I was surprised Nezuko wanted to teach me, but she's scary in her own right so I won't question it).

Kirishima vs Bakugou: If I know anything, it's that credit is given where credit is due. Kirishima put quite the fight up against Bakugou, the fight getting to the point where even Bakugou was getting sloppy. They're both close range fighters, so when one is getting sloppy the other tends to as well. Kirishma was the first to tire out though, despite having apparently been working the hardest at strengthening his quirk, taking Wednesdays and Saturdays as rest days while almost living at the gym every other day. Not the kind of regime I had. In the end Bakugou won after noticing he had pushed back Kirishima quite far and taking the dirty move of just lifting the tired boy up and blasting him the remaining length left.

The final fight.

From experience of binging the previous Festivals with dad they are the best of the best, usually one from 1A and one from 1B, actually keeping that pattern for almost 7 years until now.

Until I fight him at least.

I could still feel the exhaustion from fighting Shoto-kun, and the faint bruise that couldn't heal completely from Iida had me sore.

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