Sending Me Away

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"Dennis the kids have to go to school." Jessica panics as he helps her out of the car. They had just arrived at the hospital where a psychiatrist that Dennis had called was waiting for them.

"They are in school, honey. They got there on time." Dennis says calmly.

Jessica was beyond confused. She didn't recognize where she was. She didn't know what day it was or even what year it was. All she remembers was cooking eggs for breakfast.

"Where are we?" She asks

As soon as they walk in the doctors were waiting for Jessica with a wheel chair. He helps her get situated and holds her hand.

"We are at the hospital. You need to get some rest and fluids." He says softly

"I don't feel that well." She says looking at him helplessly

"I know, baby. I know." He says tearing up


"What else is there to do, Albert? We've called every doctor, she's been on every single medication out there. What are we doing wrong!" Dorthy cries

"Dorthy... we will figure this out. We will keep doing what we can to help her. I promise she'll be okay." He whispers to her

Jessica was laying in her bed. She had black fabric from her mothers sewing room pinned up on her walls to block any sunlight that the blinds let into the room.

Her room was cold and quite. She could hear everything that went on in her house. Her parents constant arguing over her mental state and what reckless thing she'll do next.

Jessica knew she wasn't right. She knew something was wrong. But it was easier for her to forget about it, like she always does after a while. She knows it will all disappear.

Moments later her eyes began to sting when her mother opens her bedroom door. She stands there and stares at the bed where she could barely see Jessica. She was wrapped up in her blankets pretending to sleep.

She could hear her mothers foot steps grow closer and closer to her. Instead of trying to wake her, Dorthy goes on to clean up Jessica's night stand. She counts her pills, refills her water, and leaves food on the corner incase she got hungry.

Sooner than later the door closes. The post painful part of her mother closing the door was the disappointment sigh that she did after the door clicked shut.


"I have to go to my parents." Jessica says as the doctors try to situate her.

"Jessica, you are at the hospital right now. I am doctor Fogle and I'm here to help you." He says as he looks over her medical history

"The hospital? Where is my husband?" She panics

"Just relax, hun." The nurse smiles

"WHERE IS MY HUSBAND!" She screams

"Jessica, I need you to please calm down." The nurse says

Then, Dennis runs into the room.

"Jessica..." he says running up to her

"What is going on?" She says with anger

"Jessica, honey... you're not well and I took you here for help." He struggles to say

"No, I am refusing care. Let go of me! Let go of me!" She says pulling away from the nurse

Dennis tries to stop her and calm her down but she didn't want to be touched by anyone.

"Jessica, you have to stay here." He says softly

Her eyes begin to swell as tears come flowing down. 

"You are a danger to yourself right now." He says

"I'm not a danger to myself... I just needed air this morning, Dennis. Dennis honey I just needed air." She cries reaching for his help. She was going to do anything to get out of this.

Dennis wanted to cry too. But he had to stay strong for Jessica.

"Honey... you were driving around town today drunk... you stole an eight dollar bottle of vodka at a gas station down the street from our house." He says

"No... I was far from home. She gave me a bottle for free. I specifically remember. She gave me a free bottle with the one I only bought. Where's my purse!" She cries

Jessica was starting to question everything. When she looked back on her morning she couldn't remember a single thing. It was all fuzzy and dark. All day Jessica was in and out of having flash backs. She was so confused.

"You're lying. You're trying to make me feel sick like my parents did!" She shouts

"With all respect Dennis. This isn't helping her." The doctor says

Jessica shakes her head over and over and runs her fingers through her hair.

"You're sending me away..." she cries "you're getting rid of me. Just like you always wanted too. You're done with me so you're sending me away." She shouts

"No, Jessica. I love you... please."

"This is what you're going to do to me? Over the girls Halloween costume? This is what you're going to do to me for being a bad mother?" She screams

"Okay, we need to calm her down." The doctor says as the nurses start to hold Jessica back.

"Jessica, please-"

"Dr. Quaid, please!" The doctor shouts

A nurse helps Dennis out of the room and closes the door in front of him. Jessica's  screams from inside the room gave him the chills. He couldn't help break down.


"Mr. and Mrs. Lange, I know this is a very hard decision, but if you want was is best for your daughter I think you should proceed. You are scared for her to be alone. You're not bad parents for getting her the help she needs. Jessica is very sick, she has a chemical imbalance. Her mental illness is something that she will live with forever, but at our facility we can help her cope and not let this affect her future." A man says to Dorthy and Albert.

Jessica was laying down in a hospital bed alone and scared. At the raw age of eighteen she found herself about to be checked into a facility. That's what she had gathered from the conversation that her parents were having outside of her room.

She knew it was bad too. She could see her mothers eyes through the small glass window. She was distressed and crying. Jessica felt guilty for the pain she had caused her parents. But no pain could amount to what she was feeling in this very moment.


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