It's Over Jane

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A Week Later;

Things slowly started going back to they way they were. Dennis was spending more time at home to take off some of the stress on Jessica.

While the kids are away at school Jessica goes her usual things around the house while taking care of the baby.

Jessica avoided being in public. She had this feeling that everyone knew where she was and facing people would be horrifying. As much as Dennis tried to assure Jessica that no one knew, staying in side made her content.

She was keeping up with her therapy and meds, but her and Dennis have not really talked about all that had happened over the last month. Talking about mental health with Dennis was always frustrating for Jessica. She just feels like every time they talk, he's
listening as a doctor and not as a husband.

It was lunch time and Melanie had just woken up from her morning nap. Oliver was doing school work in the kitchen patiently waiting for lunch.

Jessica let Oliver and Melanie play in the other room while she started cooking for them.

As she cooked she could hear someone pulling into the driveway. She looks out the kitchen window and sees a a familiar face. It was her sister Jane.

Within moments she hears a knock at her front door. She stops what she's doing and heads over to answer.

Jane loudly knocks on the door as she waits for an answer. Before she knows it she sees Jessica. But it didn't really look like her. Jessica's hair wasn't done and she was in baggy clothes.

"Jane, what are you doing here?" Jessica asks quietly

"Can I come in?" Jane asks

Jessica sighs then shakes her head. "The kids are getting ready for lunch. Now is a bad time." She says sternly

There was a long pause. The sisters looked into each other's eyes but didn't say anything.

Finally, Jane broke the silence. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry, about everything. That day and all the days before it. I've been an awful sister." Jane says

Jessica looks down at the ground the back up at Jane. "I shouldn't have come to your house. It was out of line and I was out of line."

"But everything you said... it keeps replaying in my head and I just wish I was there for you. The holidays are coming and I want us to be okay." Jane looks at Jessica with sad eyes. She genuinely felt awful and wanted to reconcile with Jessica.

Jessica shakes her head. "I appreciate your apology, but I do not think my family and I will be attending any holiday functions. I have been dealing with this long enough and it's over, Jane. I can't forgive you. I can't stand to be around you. I think it's best if you leave."

Jane was humiliated. She thought Jessica would come around, but she didn't.

"Okay... I'll... I'll go, I'm sorry."


After Jane left, Jessica tried to compose herself. She finished the kids lunch then tried to carry on with her day. But all she could think about was Jane. Her sister has caused her so much pain throughout the years. As well as the rest of her family. With everything she has been going through she just didn't want to talk to anyone anymore... not even her own husband. She felt stuck and alone. Her only distraction was her children.

"Mommy, can you help me?" Oliver says from the other room

Jessica gets out of her own thoughts and heads over to aid her children.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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