I Told You

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The next day;

It felt very weird for Jessica to be home. She was almost ashamed and embarrassed. Everything felt off to her. It was expected for the transition back home to be a bit of a bumpy road. Especially after all that Jessica had been through in the last two weeks.

Jessica didn't even remember the day that she was checked in, other than being very angry at Dennis. She had moments where she'd close her eyes and remember some things, but in her head she saw the day completely different from everyone else.

It was said that she had stole bottles of vodka, drove around intoxicated, and of course ended the day at Jane's.

Luckily for her, the lady at the store was forgiving and did not press any charges. But what ran through her head most is what other people knew. Her reputation and her family's reputation was very important to her, now she felt like it was all at stake.

It was Saturday which meant all of the kids were home. For the first time in a very long time, there were no such plans. No one had anywhere to be and they were all together at home.

As Jessica said to Dennis, she wanted things back to normal. So, she woke up early with the baby, started breakfast and soon enough everyone was downstairs.

They all sat around the table as a family. Jessica barley touched her food as she helped Margret eat and contained her mess.

"This is really yummy!" Oliver says as he eats his pancakes

"Taste good, bud?" Dennis says with a smile

Oliver nods his head. "Yes"

They continue to eat as a family. The kids do most of the talking, catching their mom up on everything and then discussing the upcoming holiday.

"I think this year, we should just have Thanksgiving at home." Dennis suggests

"We wouldn't go to grandma and grandpa Lange's house?" Charlie asks

"Not this year, Charlie. I think we should just celebrate as a family. What do you think, honey?" He knew Jessica wasn't ready to see her family. He didn't want her to have any kind of pressure to go there, so instead he thought of just staying put.

"I think that's a great idea." Jessica says

"And so that mom doesn't have to do all the cooking, we can cut back on some unnecessary foods." Arielle says

"Like cranberry and stuffing." Margret laughs

"That's my favorite part!" Dennis says with a sad face

"There will be stuffing." Jessica laughs

"As you were saying Rel, I think we can all pitch in and help your mother. Actually, I think I'd like to make the turkey." Dennis says proudly

"You make the turkey?" Charlie says

"Oh Dennis... maybe not honey." Jessica smirks

"What? Come on! I'm a great cook. I'm making the turkey and that's the end of it!"



Since their whole weekend was full of lots of free time, Dennis wanted to make sure the family just stayed together. It was really important for him to play the role of being the glue to the family. That was usually Jessica, but he just saw something different in her. It's like he had lost his wife. Something changed in a way that made him uneasy.

It was later in the afternoon when the girls had been looking for Jessica.

Her new medication would take a while to fully work, so when she had moments of anxiety or felt off, she tried to distance herself.

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